final class Markup

Defines an object that passes safe strings through the render system.

This object should only be constructed with a known safe string. If there is any risk that the string contains user-entered data that has not been filtered first, it must not be used.

@internal This object is marked as internal because it should only be used whilst rendering.


See also





core/lib/Drupal/Core/Render/ Markup.php, line 23




Name Modifiers Type Description
MarkupTrait::$string protected property The safe string.
MarkupTrait::count public function Returns the string length.
MarkupTrait::create public static function Creates a Markup object if necessary.
MarkupTrait::jsonSerialize public function Returns a representation of the object for use in JSON serialization.
MarkupTrait::__toString public function Returns the string version of the Markup object. Overrides MarkupInterface::__toString

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