groovy / 4.0.0 / groovy / io / filevisitresult.html /

[Java] Enum FileVisitResult

public enum FileVisitResult
extends Enum

Represents special return values for the 'preDir', 'postDir' and 'visit'/supplied Closures used with ResourceGroovyMethods.traverse and related methods to control subsequent traversal behavior.

Enum Constants Summary

Enum constants classes
Enum constant Description
CONTINUE Continue processing; the default
SKIP_SIBLINGS Skip processing sibling files/directories within the current directory being processed
SKIP_SUBTREE Do not process the child files/subdirectories within the current directory being processed
TERMINATE Do not process any more files

Inherited Methods Summary

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class Name
class Enum name, equals, toString, hashCode, compareTo, compareTo, valueOf, describeConstable, getDeclaringClass, ordinal, wait, wait, wait, getClass, notify, notifyAll

Enum Constant Detail

public FileVisitResult CONTINUE

Continue processing; the default

public FileVisitResult SKIP_SIBLINGS

Skip processing sibling files/directories within the current directory being processed

public FileVisitResult SKIP_SUBTREE

Do not process the child files/subdirectories within the current directory being processed

public FileVisitResult TERMINATE

Do not process any more files

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