Merging the template with the data-model

As you might already know, data-model + template = output. We already have a data-model (root) and a template (temp), so to get the output we have to merge them. This is done by the process method of the template. It takes the data-model root and a Writer as parameters. It writes the produced output to the Writer. For the sake of simplicity here I write to the standard output:

Writer out = new OutputStreamWriter(System.out);
temp.process(root, out);

This will print to your terminal the output you have seen in the first example of the Template Author's Guide.

Java I/O related notes: Depending on what out is, you may need to ensure that out.close() is called. This is typically needed when out writes into a file that was opened to store the output of the template. In other times, like in typical Web applications, you must not close out. FreeMarker calls out.flush() after a successful template execution (but tis can be disabled in Configuration), so you don't need to worry about that.

Note that once you have obtained a Template instance, you can merge it with different data-models for unlimited times (Template instances are stateless). Also, the test.ftlh file is accessed only while the Template instance is created, not when you call the process method.

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