Answers to Questions and Exercises: Aggregate Operations


  1. Q: A sequence of aggregate operations is known as a ___ .
    A: Pipeline

  2. Q: Each pipeline contains zero or more ___ operations.
    A: Intermediate

  3. Q: Each pipeline ends with a ___ operation.
    A: Terminal

  4. Q: What kind of operation produces another stream as its output?
    A: Intermediate

  5. Q: Describe one way in which the forEach aggregate operation differs from the enhanced for statement or iterators.
    A: The forEach aggregate operation lets the system decide "how" the iteration takes place. Using aggregate operations lets you focus on "what" instead of "how."

  6. Q: True or False: A stream is similar to a collection in that it is a data structure that stores elements.
    A: False. Unlike a collection, a stream is not a data structure. It instead carries values from a source through a pipeline.

  7. Q: Identify the intermediate and terminal operations in this code:
    double average = roster
        .filter(p -> p.getGender() == Person.Sex.MALE)

    A: Intermediate: filter, mapToInt
    Terminal: average
    The terminal operation average returns an OptionalDouble. The getAsDouble method is then invoked on that returned object. It is always a good idea to consult the API Specification for information about whether an operation is intermediate or terminal.

  8. Q: The code p -> p.getGender() == Person.Sex.MALE is an example of what?
    A: A lambda expression.

  9. Q: The code Person::getAge is an example of what?
    A: A method reference.

  10. Q: Terminal operations that combine the contents of a stream and return one value are known as what?
    A: Reduction operations.

  11. Q: Name one important difference between the Stream.reduce method and the Stream.collect method.
    A: Stream.reduce always creates a new value when it processes an element. Stream.collect modifies (or mutates) the existing value.

  12. Q: If you wanted to process a stream of names, extract the male names, and store them in a new List, would Stream.reduce or Stream.collect be the most appropriate operation to use?
    A: The collect operation is most appropriate for collecting into a List.

    List<String> namesOfMaleMembersCollect = roster
        .filter(p -> p.getGender() == Person.Sex.MALE)
        .map(p -> p.getName())

  13. Q: True or False: Aggregate operations make it possible to implement parallelism with non-thread-safe collections.
    A: True, provided that you do not modify (mutate) the underlying collection while you are operating on it.

  14. Q: Streams are always serial unless otherwise specified. How do you request that a stream be processed in parallel?
    A: Obtain the parallel stream by invoking parallelStream() instead of stream().


  1. Exercise: Write the following enhanced for statement as a pipeline with lambda expressions. Hint: Use the filter intermediate operation and the forEach terminal operation.
    for (Person p : roster) {
        if (p.getGender() == Person.Sex.MALE) {

        .filter(e -> e.getGender() == Person.Sex.MALE)
        .forEach(e -> System.out.println(e.getName());
  2. Convert the following code into a new implementation that uses lambda expressions and aggregate operations instead of nested for loops. Hint: Make a pipeline that invokes the filter, sorted, and collect operations, in that order.
    List<Album> favs = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Album a : albums) {
        boolean hasFavorite = false;
        for (Track t : a.tracks) {
            if (t.rating >= 4) {
                hasFavorite = true;
        if (hasFavorite)
    Collections.sort(favs, new Comparator<Album>() {
                               public int compare(Album a1, Album a2) {

    List<Album> sortedFavs =
            .filter(a -> a.tracks.anyMatch(t -> (t.rating >= 4)))
            .sorted(Comparator.comparing(a ->

    Here we have used the stream operations to simplify each of the three major steps -- identification of whether any track in an album has a rating of at least 4 (anyMatch), the sorting, and the collection of albums matching our criteria into a List. The Comparator.comparing() method takes a function that extracts a Comparable sort key, and returns a Comparator that compares on that key.
