Retrieving and Parsing Constructor Modifiers

Because of the role of constructors in the language, fewer modifiers are meaningful than for methods:

The ConstructorAccess example searches for constructors in a given class with the specified access modifier. It also displays whether the constructor is synthetic (compiler-generated) or of variable arity.

import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import static java.lang.System.out;

public class ConstructorAccess {
    public static void main(String... args) {
	try {
	    Class<?> c = Class.forName(args[0]);
	    Constructor[] allConstructors = c.getDeclaredConstructors();
	    for (Constructor ctor : allConstructors) {
		int searchMod = modifierFromString(args[1]);
		int mods = accessModifiers(ctor.getModifiers());
		if (searchMod == mods) {
		    out.format("%s%n", ctor.toGenericString());
		    out.format("  [ synthetic=%-5b var_args=%-5b ]%n",
			       ctor.isSynthetic(), ctor.isVarArgs());

        // production code should handle this exception more gracefully
	} catch (ClassNotFoundException x) {

    private static int accessModifiers(int m) {
	return m & (Modifier.PUBLIC | Modifier.PRIVATE | Modifier.PROTECTED);

    private static int modifierFromString(String s) {
	if ("public".equals(s))               return Modifier.PUBLIC;
	else if ("protected".equals(s))       return Modifier.PROTECTED;
	else if ("private".equals(s))         return Modifier.PRIVATE;
	else if ("package-private".equals(s)) return 0;
	else return -1;

There is not an explicit Modifier constant which corresponds to "package-private" access, so it is necessary to check for the absence of all three access modifiers to identify a package-private constructor.

This output shows the private constructors in :

$ java ConstructorAccess private
  [ synthetic=false var_args=false ]
  [ synthetic=false var_args=false ]

Synthetic constructors are rare; however the SyntheticConstructor example illustrates a typical situation where this may occur:

public class SyntheticConstructor {
    private SyntheticConstructor() {}
    class Inner {
	// Compiler will generate a synthetic constructor since
	// SyntheticConstructor() is private.
	Inner() { new SyntheticConstructor(); }
$ java ConstructorAccess SyntheticConstructor package-private
  [ synthetic=true  var_args=false ]

Since the inner class's constructor references the private constructor of the enclosing class, the compiler must generate a package-private constructor. The parameter type SyntheticConstructor$1 is arbitrary and dependent on the compiler implementation. Code which depends on the presence of any synthetic or non-public class members may not be portable.

Constructors implement java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement , which provides methods to retrieve runtime annotations with java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME . For an example of obtaining annotations see the Examining Class Modifiers and Types section.
