
This part of the reference documentation covers the Spring Framework’s integration with a number of Java EE (and related) technologies.

1. Remoting and Web Services with Spring

Spring features integration classes for remoting support with various technologies. The remoting support eases the development of remote-enabled services, implemented by your usual (Spring) POJOs. Currently, Spring supports the following remoting technologies:

  • Remote Method Invocation (RMI): Through the use of RmiProxyFactoryBean and RmiServiceExporter, Spring supports both traditional RMI (with java.rmi.Remote interfaces and java.rmi.RemoteException) and transparent remoting through RMI invokers (with any Java interface).

  • Spring’s HTTP invoker: Spring provides a special remoting strategy that allows for Java serialization though HTTP, supporting any Java interface (as the RMI invoker does). The corresponding support classes are HttpInvokerProxyFactoryBean and HttpInvokerServiceExporter.

  • Hessian: By using Spring’s HessianProxyFactoryBean and the HessianServiceExporter, you can transparently expose your services through the lightweight binary HTTP-based protocol provided by Caucho.

  • JAX-WS: Spring provides remoting support for web services through JAX-WS (the successor of JAX-RPC, as introduced in Java EE 5 and Java 6).

  • JMS: Remoting by using JMS as the underlying protocol is supported through the JmsInvokerServiceExporter and JmsInvokerProxyFactoryBean classes.

  • AMQP: Remoting by using AMQP as the underlying protocol is supported by the Spring AMQP project.

While discussing the remoting capabilities of Spring, we use the following domain model and corresponding services:

public class Account implements Serializable{

    private String name;

    public String getName(){
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) { = name;

public interface AccountService {

    public void insertAccount(Account account);

    public List<Account> getAccounts(String name);

// the implementation doing nothing at the moment
public class AccountServiceImpl implements AccountService {

    public void insertAccount(Account acc) {
        // do something...

    public List<Account> getAccounts(String name) {
        // do something...


This section starts by exposing the service to a remote client by using RMI and talk a bit about the drawbacks of using RMI. It then continues with an example that uses Hessian as the protocol.

1.1. Exposing Services by Using RMI

By using Spring’s support for RMI, you can transparently expose your services through the RMI infrastructure. After having this set up, you basically have a configuration similar to remote EJBs, except for the fact that there is no standard support for security context propagation or remote transaction propagation. Spring does provide hooks for such additional invocation context when you use the RMI invoker, so you can, for example, plug in security frameworks or custom security credentials.

1.1.1. Exporting the Service by Using RmiServiceExporter

Using the RmiServiceExporter, we can expose the interface of our AccountService object as RMI object. The interface can be accessed by using RmiProxyFactoryBean, or via plain RMI in case of a traditional RMI service. The RmiServiceExporter explicitly supports the exposing of any non-RMI services via RMI invokers.

We first have to set up our service in the Spring container. The following example shows how to do so:

<bean id="accountService" class="example.AccountServiceImpl">
    <!-- any additional properties, maybe a DAO? -->

Next, we have to expose our service by using RmiServiceExporter. The following example shows how to do so:

<bean class="org.springframework.remoting.rmi.RmiServiceExporter">
    <!-- does not necessarily have to be the same name as the bean to be exported -->
    <property name="serviceName" value="AccountService"/>
    <property name="service" ref="accountService"/>
    <property name="serviceInterface" value="example.AccountService"/>
    <!-- defaults to 1099 -->
    <property name="registryPort" value="1199"/>

In the preceding example, we override the port for the RMI registry. Often, your application server also maintains an RMI registry, and it is wise to not interfere with that one. Furthermore, the service name is used to bind the service. So, in the preceding example, the service is bound at 'rmi://HOST:1199/AccountService'. We use this URL later on to link in the service at the client side.

The servicePort property has been omitted (it defaults to 0). This means that an anonymous port is used to communicate with the service.

1.1.2. Linking in the Service at the Client

Our client is a simple object that uses the AccountService to manage accounts, as the following example shows:

public class SimpleObject {

    private AccountService accountService;

    public void setAccountService(AccountService accountService) {
        this.accountService = accountService;

    // additional methods using the accountService


To link in the service on the client, we create a separate Spring container, to contain the following simple object and the service linking configuration bits:

<bean class="example.SimpleObject">
    <property name="accountService" ref="accountService"/>

<bean id="accountService" class="org.springframework.remoting.rmi.RmiProxyFactoryBean">
    <property name="serviceUrl" value="rmi://HOST:1199/AccountService"/>
    <property name="serviceInterface" value="example.AccountService"/>

That is all we need to do to support the remote account service on the client. Spring transparently creates an invoker and remotely enables the account service through the RmiServiceExporter. At the client, we link it in by using the RmiProxyFactoryBean.

1.2. Using Hessian to Remotely Call Services through HTTP

Hessian offers a binary HTTP-based remoting protocol. It is developed by Caucho, and you can find more information about Hessian itself at .

1.2.1. Wiring up DispatcherServlet for Hessian

Hessian communicates through HTTP and does so by using a custom servlet. By using Spring’s DispatcherServlet principles (see [webmvc#mvc-servlet]), we can wire up such a servlet to expose your services. First, we have to create a new servlet in our application, as shown in the following excerpt from web.xml:



If you are familiar with Spring’s DispatcherServlet principles, you probably know that now you have to create a Spring container configuration resource named remoting-servlet.xml (after the name of your servlet) in the WEB-INF directory. The application context is used in the next section.

Alternatively, consider the use of Spring’s simpler HttpRequestHandlerServlet. Doing so lets you embed the remote exporter definitions in your root application context (by default, in WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml), with individual servlet definitions pointing to specific exporter beans. In this case, each servlet name needs to match the bean name of its target exporter.

1.2.2. Exposing Your Beans by Using HessianServiceExporter

In the newly created application context called remoting-servlet.xml, we create a HessianServiceExporter to export our services, as the following example shows:

<bean id="accountService" class="example.AccountServiceImpl">
    <!-- any additional properties, maybe a DAO? -->

<bean name="/AccountService" class="org.springframework.remoting.caucho.HessianServiceExporter">
    <property name="service" ref="accountService"/>
    <property name="serviceInterface" value="example.AccountService"/>

Now we are ready to link in the service at the client. No explicit handler mapping is specified (to map request URLs onto services), so we use BeanNameUrlHandlerMapping used. Hence, the service is exported at the URL indicated through its bean name within the containing DispatcherServlet instance’s mapping (as defined earlier): http://HOST:8080/remoting/AccountService .

Alternatively, you can create a HessianServiceExporter in your root application context (for example, in WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml), as the following example shows:

<bean name="accountExporter" class="org.springframework.remoting.caucho.HessianServiceExporter">
    <property name="service" ref="accountService"/>
    <property name="serviceInterface" value="example.AccountService"/>

In the latter case, you should define a corresponding servlet for this exporter in web.xml, with the same end result: The exporter gets mapped to the request path at /remoting/AccountService. Note that the servlet name needs to match the bean name of the target exporter. The following example shows how to do so:



1.2.3. Linking in the Service on the Client

By using the HessianProxyFactoryBean, we can link in the service at the client. The same principles apply as with the RMI example. We create a separate bean factory or application context and mention the following beans where the SimpleObject is by using the AccountService to manage accounts, as the following example shows:

<bean class="example.SimpleObject">
    <property name="accountService" ref="accountService"/>

<bean id="accountService" class="org.springframework.remoting.caucho.HessianProxyFactoryBean">
    <property name="serviceUrl" value="http://remotehost:8080/remoting/AccountService"/>
    <property name="serviceInterface" value="example.AccountService"/>

1.2.4. Applying HTTP Basic Authentication to a Service Exposed through Hessian

One of the advantages of Hessian is that we can easily apply HTTP basic authentication, because both protocols are HTTP-based. Your normal HTTP server security mechanism can be applied through using the web.xml security features, for example. Usually, you need not use per-user security credentials here. Rather, you can use shared credentials that you define at the HessianProxyFactoryBean level (similar to a JDBC DataSource), as the following example shows:

<bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.BeanNameUrlHandlerMapping">
    <property name="interceptors" ref="authorizationInterceptor"/>

<bean id="authorizationInterceptor"
    <property name="authorizedRoles" value="administrator,operator"/>

In the preceding example, we explicitly mention the BeanNameUrlHandlerMapping and set an interceptor, to let only administrators and operators call the beans mentioned in this application context.

The preceding example does not show a flexible kind of security infrastructure. For more options as far as security is concerned, have a look at the Spring Security project at .

1.3. Exposing Services by Using HTTP Invokers

As opposed to Hessian, Spring HTTP invokers are both lightweight protocols that use their own slim serialization mechanisms and use the standard Java serialization mechanism to expose services through HTTP. This has a huge advantage if your arguments and return types are complex types that cannot be serialized by using the serialization mechanisms Hessian uses (see the next section for more considerations when you choose a remoting technology).

Under the hood, Spring uses either the standard facilities provided by the JDK or Apache HttpComponents to perform HTTP calls. If you need more advanced and easier-to-use functionality, use the latter. See for more information.

Be aware of vulnerabilities due to unsafe Java deserialization: Manipulated input streams can lead to unwanted code execution on the server during the deserialization step. As a consequence, do not expose HTTP invoker endpoints to untrusted clients. Rather, expose them only between your own services. In general, we strongly recommend using any other message format (such as JSON) instead.

If you are concerned about security vulnerabilities due to Java serialization, consider the general-purpose serialization filter mechanism at the core JVM level, originally developed for JDK 9 but backported to JDK 8, 7 and 6 in the meantime. See and .

1.3.1. Exposing the Service Object

Setting up the HTTP invoker infrastructure for a service object closely resembles the way you would do the same by using Hessian. As Hessian support provides HessianServiceExporter, Spring’s HttpInvoker support provides org.springframework.remoting.httpinvoker.HttpInvokerServiceExporter.

To expose the AccountService (mentioned earlier) within a Spring Web MVC DispatcherServlet, the following configuration needs to be in place in the dispatcher’s application context, as the following example shows:

<bean name="/AccountService" class="org.springframework.remoting.httpinvoker.HttpInvokerServiceExporter">
    <property name="service" ref="accountService"/>
    <property name="serviceInterface" value="example.AccountService"/>

Such an exporter definition is exposed through the DispatcherServlet instance’s standard mapping facilities, as explained in the section on Hessian.

Alternatively, you can create an HttpInvokerServiceExporter in your root application context (for example, in 'WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml'), as the following example shows:

<bean name="accountExporter" class="org.springframework.remoting.httpinvoker.HttpInvokerServiceExporter">
    <property name="service" ref="accountService"/>
    <property name="serviceInterface" value="example.AccountService"/>

In addition, you can define a corresponding servlet for this exporter in web.xml, with the servlet name matching the bean name of the target exporter, as the following example shows:



1.3.2. Linking in the Service at the Client

Again, linking in the service from the client much resembles the way you would do it when you use Hessian. By using a proxy, Spring can translate your calls to HTTP POST requests to the URL that points to the exported service. The following example shows how to configure this arrangement:

<bean id="httpInvokerProxy" class="org.springframework.remoting.httpinvoker.HttpInvokerProxyFactoryBean">
    <property name="serviceUrl" value="http://remotehost:8080/remoting/AccountService"/>
    <property name="serviceInterface" value="example.AccountService"/>

As mentioned earlier, you can choose what HTTP client you want to use. By default, the HttpInvokerProxy uses the JDK’s HTTP functionality, but you can also use the Apache HttpComponents client by setting the httpInvokerRequestExecutor property. The following example shows how to do so:

<property name="httpInvokerRequestExecutor">
    <bean class="org.springframework.remoting.httpinvoker.HttpComponentsHttpInvokerRequestExecutor"/>

1.4. Web Services

Spring provides full support for the standard Java web services APIs:

  • Exposing web services using JAX-WS

  • Accessing web services using JAX-WS

In addition to stock support for JAX-WS in Spring Core, the Spring portfolio also features Spring Web Services , which is a solution for contract-first, document-driven web services — highly recommended for building modern, future-proof web services.

1.4.1. Exposing Servlet-based Web Services by Using JAX-WS

Spring provides a convenient base class for JAX-WS servlet endpoint implementations: SpringBeanAutowiringSupport. To expose our AccountService, we extend Spring’s SpringBeanAutowiringSupport class and implement our business logic here, usually delegating the call to the business layer. We use Spring’s @Autowired annotation to express such dependencies on Spring-managed beans. The following example shows our class that extends SpringBeanAutowiringSupport:

 * JAX-WS compliant AccountService implementation that simply delegates
 * to the AccountService implementation in the root web application context.
 * This wrapper class is necessary because JAX-WS requires working with dedicated
 * endpoint classes. If an existing service needs to be exported, a wrapper that
 * extends SpringBeanAutowiringSupport for simple Spring bean autowiring (through
 * the @Autowired annotation) is the simplest JAX-WS compliant way.
 * This is the class registered with the server-side JAX-WS implementation.
 * In the case of a Java EE 5 server, this would simply be defined as a servlet
 * in web.xml, with the server detecting that this is a JAX-WS endpoint and reacting
 * accordingly. The servlet name usually needs to match the specified WS service name.
 * The web service engine manages the lifecycle of instances of this class.
 * Spring bean references will just be wired in here.

public class AccountServiceEndpoint extends SpringBeanAutowiringSupport {

    private AccountService biz;

    public void insertAccount(Account acc) {

    public Account[] getAccounts(String name) {
        return biz.getAccounts(name);


Our AccountServiceEndpoint needs to run in the same web application as the Spring context to allow for access to Spring’s facilities. This is the case by default in Java EE 5 environments, using the standard contract for JAX-WS servlet endpoint deployment. See the various Java EE 5 web service tutorials for details.

1.4.2. Exporting Standalone Web Services by Using JAX-WS

The built-in JAX-WS provider that comes with Oracle’s JDK supports exposure of web services by using the built-in HTTP server that is also included in the JDK. Spring’s SimpleJaxWsServiceExporter detects all @WebService-annotated beans in the Spring application context and exports them through the default JAX-WS server (the JDK HTTP server).

In this scenario, the endpoint instances are defined and managed as Spring beans themselves. They are registered with the JAX-WS engine, but their lifecycle is up to the Spring application context. This means that you can apply Spring functionality (such as explicit dependency injection) to the endpoint instances. Annotation-driven injection through @Autowired works as well. The following example shows how to define these beans:

<bean class="org.springframework.remoting.jaxws.SimpleJaxWsServiceExporter">
    <property name="baseAddress" value="http://localhost:8080/"/>

<bean id="accountServiceEndpoint" class="example.AccountServiceEndpoint">


The AccountServiceEndpoint can but does not have to derive from Spring’s SpringBeanAutowiringSupport, since the endpoint in this example is a fully Spring-managed bean. This means that the endpoint implementation can be as follows (without any superclass declared — and Spring’s @Autowired configuration annotation is still honored):

public class AccountServiceEndpoint {

    private AccountService biz;

    public void insertAccount(Account acc) {

    public List<Account> getAccounts(String name) {
        return biz.getAccounts(name);


1.4.3. Exporting Web Services by Using JAX-WS RI’s Spring Support

Oracle’s JAX-WS RI, developed as part of the GlassFish project, ships Spring support as part of its JAX-WS Commons project. This allows for defining JAX-WS endpoints as Spring-managed beans, similar to the standalone mode discussed in the previous section — but this time in a Servlet environment.

This is not portable in a Java EE 5 environment. It is mainly intended for non-EE environments, such as Tomcat, that embed the JAX-WS RI as part of the web application.

The differences from the standard style of exporting servlet-based endpoints are that the lifecycle of the endpoint instances themselves are managed by Spring and that there is only one JAX-WS servlet defined in web.xml. With the standard Java EE 5 style (as shown earlier), you have one servlet definition per service endpoint, with each endpoint typically delegating to Spring beans (through the use of @Autowired, as shown earlier).

See for details on setup and usage style.

1.4.4. Accessing Web Services by Using JAX-WS

Spring provides two factory beans to create JAX-WS web service proxies, namely LocalJaxWsServiceFactoryBean and JaxWsPortProxyFactoryBean. The former can return only a JAX-WS service class for us to work with. The latter is the full-fledged version that can return a proxy that implements our business service interface. In the following example, we use JaxWsPortProxyFactoryBean to create a proxy for the AccountService endpoint (again):

<bean id="accountWebService" class="org.springframework.remoting.jaxws.JaxWsPortProxyFactoryBean">
    <property name="serviceInterface" value="example.AccountService"/> (1)
    <property name="wsdlDocumentUrl" value="http://localhost:8888/AccountServiceEndpoint?WSDL"/>
    <property name="namespaceUri" value="http://example/"/>
    <property name="serviceName" value="AccountService"/>
    <property name="portName" value="AccountServiceEndpointPort"/>
1 Where serviceInterface is our business interface that the clients use.

wsdlDocumentUrl is the URL for the WSDL file. Spring needs this at startup time to create the JAX-WS Service. namespaceUri corresponds to the targetNamespace in the .wsdl file. serviceName corresponds to the service name in the .wsdl file. portName corresponds to the port name in the .wsdl file.

Accessing the web service is easy, as we have a bean factory for it that exposes it as an interface called AccountService. The following example shows how we can wire this up in Spring:

<bean id="client" class="example.AccountClientImpl">
    <property name="service" ref="accountWebService"/>

From the client code, we can access the web service as if it were a normal class, as the following example shows:

public class AccountClientImpl {

    private AccountService service;

    public void setService(AccountService service) {
        this.service = service;

    public void foo() {
The above is slightly simplified in that JAX-WS requires endpoint interfaces and implementation classes to be annotated with @WebService, @SOAPBinding etc annotations. This means that you cannot (easily) use plain Java interfaces and implementation classes as JAX-WS endpoint artifacts; you need to annotate them accordingly first. Check the JAX-WS documentation for details on those requirements.

1.5. Exposing Services through JMS

You can also expose services transparently by using JMS as the underlying communication protocol. The JMS remoting support in the Spring Framework is pretty basic. It sends and receives on the same thread and in the same non-transactional Session. As a result, throughput is implementation-dependent. Note that these single-threaded and non-transactional constraints apply only to Spring’s JMS remoting support. See JMS (Java Message Service) for information on Spring’s rich support for JMS-based messaging.

The following interface is used on both the server and the client sides:


public interface CheckingAccountService {

    public void cancelAccount(Long accountId);


The following simple implementation of the preceding interface is used on the server-side:


public class SimpleCheckingAccountService implements CheckingAccountService {

    public void cancelAccount(Long accountId) {
        System.out.println("Cancelling account [" + accountId + "]");


The following configuration file contains the JMS-infrastructure beans that are shared on both the client and server:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""

    <bean id="connectionFactory" class="org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory">
        <property name="brokerURL" value="tcp://ep-t43:61616"/>

    <bean id="queue" class="org.apache.activemq.command.ActiveMQQueue">
        <constructor-arg value="mmm"/>


1.5.1. Server-side Configuration

On the server, you need to expose the service object that uses the JmsInvokerServiceExporter, as the following example shows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""

    <bean id="checkingAccountService"
        <property name="serviceInterface" value=""/>
        <property name="service">
            <bean class=""/>

    <bean class="org.springframework.jms.listener.SimpleMessageListenerContainer">
        <property name="connectionFactory" ref="connectionFactory"/>
        <property name="destination" ref="queue"/>
        <property name="concurrentConsumers" value="3"/>
        <property name="messageListener" ref="checkingAccountService"/>



public class Server {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(new String[]{"com/foo/server.xml", "com/foo/jms.xml"});


1.5.2. Client-side Configuration

The client merely needs to create a client-side proxy that implements the agreed-upon interface ( CheckingAccountService).

The following example defines beans that you can inject into other client-side objects (and the proxy takes care of forwarding the call to the server-side object via JMS):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""

    <bean id="checkingAccountService"
        <property name="serviceInterface" value=""/>
        <property name="connectionFactory" ref="connectionFactory"/>
        <property name="queue" ref="queue"/>


import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;

public class Client {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        ApplicationContext ctx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(
                new String[] {"com/foo/client.xml", "com/foo/jms.xml"});
        CheckingAccountService service = (CheckingAccountService) ctx.getBean("checkingAccountService");
        service.cancelAccount(new Long(10));


1.6. AMQP

Auto-detection is not implemented for remote interfaces

The main reason why auto-detection of implemented interfaces does not occur for remote interfaces is to avoid opening too many doors to remote callers. The target object might implement internal callback interfaces, such as InitializingBean or DisposableBean, which one would not want to expose to callers.

Offering a proxy with all interfaces implemented by the target usually does not matter in the local case. However, when you export a remote service, you should expose a specific service interface, with specific operations intended for remote usage. Besides internal callback interfaces, the target might implement multiple business interfaces, with only one of them intended for remote exposure. For these reasons, we require such a service interface to be specified.

This is a trade-off between configuration convenience and the risk of accidental exposure of internal methods. Always specifying a service interface is not too much effort and puts you on the safe side regarding controlled exposure of specific methods.

1.7. Considerations when Choosing a Technology

Each and every technology presented here has its drawbacks. When choosing a technology, you should carefully consider your needs, the services you expose, and the objects you send over the wire.

When using RMI, you cannot access the objects through the HTTP protocol, unless you tunnel the RMI traffic. RMI is a fairly heavy-weight protocol, in that it supports full-object serialization, which is important when you use a complex data model that needs serialization over the wire. However, RMI-JRMP is tied to Java clients. It is a Java-to-Java remoting solution.

Spring’s HTTP invoker is a good choice if you need HTTP-based remoting but also rely on Java serialization. It shares the basic infrastructure with RMI invokers but uses HTTP as transport. Note that HTTP invokers are not limited only to Java-to-Java remoting but also to Spring on both the client and the server side. (The latter also applies to Spring’s RMI invoker for non-RMI interfaces.)

Hessian might provide significant value when operating in a heterogeneous environment, because they explicitly allow for non-Java clients. However, non-Java support is still limited. Known issues include the serialization of Hibernate objects in combination with lazily-initialized collections. If you have such a data model, consider using RMI or HTTP invokers instead of Hessian.

JMS can be useful for providing clusters of services and letting the JMS broker take care of load balancing, discovery, and auto-failover. By default, Java serialization is used for JMS remoting, but the JMS provider could use a different mechanism for the wire formatting, such as XStream to let servers be implemented in other technologies.

Last but not least, EJB has an advantage over RMI, in that it supports standard role-based authentication and authorization and remote transaction propagation. It is possible to get RMI invokers or HTTP invokers to support security context propagation as well, although this is not provided by core Spring. Spring offers only appropriate hooks for plugging in third-party or custom solutions.

1.8. REST Endpoints

The Spring Framework provides two choices for making calls to REST endpoints:

  • Using RestTemplate: The original Spring REST client with a synchronous, template method API.

  • WebClient: a non-blocking, reactive alternative that supports both synchronous and asynchronous as well as streaming scenarios.

As of 5.0, the non-blocking, reactive WebClient offers a modern alternative to the RestTemplate with efficient support for both synchronous and asynchronous as well as streaming scenarios. The RestTemplate will be deprecated in a future version and will not have major new features added going forward.

1.8.1. Using RestTemplate

The RestTemplate provides a higher level API over HTTP client libraries. It makes it easy to invoke REST endpoints in a single line. It exposes the following groups of overloaded methods:

Table 1. RestTemplate methods
Method group Description


Retrieves a representation via GET.


Retrieves a ResponseEntity (that is, status, headers, and body) by using GET.


Retrieves all headers for a resource by using HEAD.


Creates a new resource by using POST and returns the Location header from the response.


Creates a new resource by using POST and returns the representation from the response.


Creates a new resource by using POST and returns the representation from the response.


Creates or updates a resource by using PUT.


Updates a resource by using PATCH and returns the representation from the response. Note that the JDK HttpURLConnection does not support the PATCH, but Apache HttpComponents and others do.


Deletes the resources at the specified URI by using DELETE.


Retrieves allowed HTTP methods for a resource by using ALLOW.


More generalized (and less opinionated) version of the preceding methods that provides extra flexibility when needed. It accepts a RequestEntity (including HTTP method, URL, headers, and body as input) and returns a ResponseEntity.

These methods allow the use of ParameterizedTypeReference instead of Class to specify a response type with generics.


The most generalized way to perform a request, with full control over request preparation and response extraction through callback interfaces.


The default constructor uses to perform requests. You can switch to a different HTTP library with an implementation of ClientHttpRequestFactory. There is built-in support for the following:

  • Apache HttpComponents

  • Netty

  • OkHttp

For example, to switch to Apache HttpComponents, you can use the following:

RestTemplate template = new RestTemplate(new HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory());

Each ClientHttpRequestFactory exposes configuration options specific to the underlying HTTP client library — for example, for credentials, connection pooling, and other details.

Note that the implementation for HTTP requests can raise an exception when accessing the status of a response that represents an error (such as 401). If this is an issue, switch to another HTTP client library.

Many of the RestTemplate methods accept a URI template and URI template variables, either as a String variable argument, or as Map<String,String>.

The following example uses a String variable argument:

String result = restTemplate.getForObject(
        "{hotel}/bookings/{booking}", String.class, "42", "21");

The following example uses a Map<String, String>:

Map<String, String> vars = Collections.singletonMap("hotel", "42");

String result = restTemplate.getForObject(
        "{hotel}/rooms/{hotel}", String.class, vars);

Keep in mind URI templates are automatically encoded, as the following example shows:

restTemplate.getForObject(" list", String.class);

// Results in request to ""

You can use the uriTemplateHandler property of RestTemplate to customize how URIs are encoded. Alternatively, you can prepare a and pass it into one of the RestTemplate methods that accepts a URI.

For more details on working with and encoding URIs, see URI Links.


You can use the exchange() methods to specify request headers, as the following example shows:

String uriTemplate = "{hotel}";
URI uri = UriComponentsBuilder.fromUriString(uriTemplate).build(42);

RequestEntity<Void> requestEntity = RequestEntity.get(uri)
        .header(("MyRequestHeader", "MyValue")

ResponseEntity<String> response =, String.class);

String responseHeader = response.getHeaders().getFirst("MyResponseHeader");
String body = response.getBody();

You can obtain response headers through many RestTemplate method variants that return ResponseEntity.


Objects passed into and returned from RestTemplate methods are converted to and from raw content with the help of an HttpMessageConverter.

On a POST, an input object is serialized to the request body, as the following example shows:

URI location = template.postForLocation("", person);

You need not explicitly set the Content-Type header of the request. In most cases, you can find a compatible message converter based on the source Object type, and the chosen message converter sets the content type accordingly. If necessary, you can use the exchange methods to explicitly provide the Content-Type request header, and that, in turn, influences what message converter is selected.

On a GET, the body of the response is deserialized to an output Object, as the following example shows:

Person person = restTemplate.getForObject("{id}", Person.class, 42);

The Accept header of the request does not need to be explicitly set. In most cases, a compatible message converter can be found based on the expected response type, which then helps to populate the Accept header. If necessary, you can use the exchange methods to provide the Accept header explicitly.

By default, RestTemplate registers all built-in message converters, depending on classpath checks that help to determine what optional conversion libraries are present. You can also set the message converters to use explicitly.

Message Conversion

The spring-web module contains the HttpMessageConverter contract for reading and writing the body of HTTP requests and responses through InputStream and OutputStream. HttpMessageConverter instances are used on the client side (for example, in the RestTemplate) and on the server side (for example, in Spring MVC REST controllers).

Concrete implementations for the main media (MIME) types are provided in the framework and are, by default, registered with the RestTemplate on the client side and with RequestMethodHandlerAdapter on the server side (see Configuring Message Converters).

The implementations of HttpMessageConverter are described in the following sections. For all converters, a default media type is used, but you can override it by setting the supportedMediaTypes bean property. The following table describes each implementation:

Table 2. HttpMessageConverter Implementations
MessageConverter Description


An HttpMessageConverter implementation that can read and write String instances from the HTTP request and response. By default, this converter supports all text media types (text/*) and writes with a Content-Type of text/plain.


An HttpMessageConverter implementation that can read and write form data from the HTTP request and response. By default, this converter reads and writes the application/x-www-form-urlencoded media type. Form data is read from and written into a MultiValueMap<String, String>.


An HttpMessageConverter implementation that can read and write byte arrays from the HTTP request and response. By default, this converter supports all media types (*/*) and writes with a Content-Type of application/octet-stream. You can override this by setting the supportedMediaTypes property and overriding getContentType(byte[]).


An HttpMessageConverter implementation that can read and write XML by using Spring’s Marshaller and Unmarshaller abstractions from the org.springframework.oxm package. This converter requires a Marshaller and Unmarshaller before it can be used. You can inject these through constructor or bean properties. By default, this converter supports text/xml and application/xml.


An HttpMessageConverter implementation that can read and write JSON by using Jackson’s ObjectMapper. You can customize JSON mapping as needed through the use of Jackson’s provided annotations. When you need further control (for cases where custom JSON serializers/deserializers need to be provided for specific types), you can inject a custom ObjectMapper through the ObjectMapper property. By default, this converter supports application/json.


An HttpMessageConverter implementation that can read and write XML by using Jackson XML extension’s XmlMapper. You can customize XML mapping as needed through the use of JAXB or Jackson’s provided annotations. When you need further control (for cases where custom XML serializers/deserializers need to be provided for specific types), you can inject a custom XmlMapper through the ObjectMapper property. By default, this converter supports application/xml.


An HttpMessageConverter implementation that can read and write javax.xml.transform.Source from the HTTP request and response. Only DOMSource, SAXSource, and StreamSource are supported. By default, this converter supports text/xml and application/xml.


An HttpMessageConverter implementation that can read and write java.awt.image.BufferedImage from the HTTP request and response. This converter reads and writes the media type supported by the Java I/O API.

Jackson JSON Views

You can specify a Jackson JSON View to serialize only a subset of the object properties, as the following example shows:

MappingJacksonValue value = new MappingJacksonValue(new User("eric", "7!jd#h23"));

RequestEntity<MappingJacksonValue> requestEntity = URI("")).body(value);

ResponseEntity<String> response =, String.class);

To send multipart data, you need to provide a MultiValueMap<String, ?> whose values are either Object instances that represent part content or HttpEntity instances that represent the content and headers for a part. MultipartBodyBuilder provides a convenient API to prepare a multipart request, as the following example shows:

    MultipartBodyBuilder builder = new MultipartBodyBuilder();
    builder.part("fieldPart", "fieldValue");
    builder.part("filePart", new FileSystemResource("...logo.png"));
    builder.part("jsonPart", new Person("Jason"));

    MultiValueMap<String, HttpEntity<?>> parts =;

In most cases, you do not have to specify the Content-Type for each part. The content type is determined automatically based on the HttpMessageConverter chosen to serialize it or, in the case of a Resource, based on the file extension. If necessary, you can explicitly provide the MediaType to use for each part through one of the overloaded builder part methods.

Once the MultiValueMap is ready, you can pass it to the RestTemplate, as the following example shows:

    MultipartBodyBuilder builder = ...;
    template.postForObject("",, Void.class);

If the MultiValueMap contains at least one non-String value, which could also be represent regular form data (that is, application/x-www-form-urlencoded), you need not set the Content-Type to multipart/form-data. This is always the case when you use MultipartBodyBuilder which ensures an HttpEntity wrapper.

1.8.2. Using AsyncRestTemplate (Deprecated)

The AsyncRestTemplate is deprecated. For all use cases where you might consider using AsyncRestTemplate, use the WebClient instead.

2. Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) Integration

As a lightweight container, Spring is often considered an EJB replacement. We do believe that for many, if not most, applications and use cases, Spring, as a container, combined with its rich supporting functionality in the area of transactions, ORM and JDBC access, is a better choice than implementing equivalent functionality through an EJB container and EJBs.

However, it is important to note that using Spring does not prevent you from using EJBs. In fact, Spring makes it much easier to access EJBs and implement EJBs and functionality within them. Additionally, using Spring to access services provided by EJBs allows the implementation of those services to later transparently be switched between local EJB, remote EJB, or POJO (plain old Java object) variants, without the client code having to be changed.

In this chapter, we look at how Spring can help you access and implement EJBs. Spring provides particular value when accessing stateless session beans (SLSBs), so we begin by discussing this topic.

2.1. Accessing EJBs

This section covers how to access EJBs.

2.1.1. Concepts

To invoke a method on a local or remote stateless session bean, client code must normally perform a JNDI lookup to obtain the (local or remote) EJB Home object and then use a create method call on that object to obtain the actual (local or remote) EJB object. One or more methods are then invoked on the EJB.

To avoid repeated low-level code, many EJB applications use the Service Locator and Business Delegate patterns. These are better than spraying JNDI lookups throughout client code, but their usual implementations have significant disadvantages:

  • Typically, code that uses EJBs depends on Service Locator or Business Delegate singletons, making it hard to test.

  • In the case of the Service Locator pattern used without a Business Delegate, application code still ends up having to invoke the create() method on an EJB home and deal with the resulting exceptions. Thus, it remains tied to the EJB API and the complexity of the EJB programming model.

  • Implementing the Business Delegate pattern typically results in significant code duplication, where we have to write numerous methods that call the same method on the EJB.

The Spring approach is to allow the creation and use of proxy objects (normally configured inside a Spring container), which act as codeless business delegates. You need not write another Service Locator, another JNDI lookup, or duplicate methods in a hand-coded Business Delegate unless you actually add real value in such code.

2.1.2. Accessing Local SLSBs

Assume that we have a web controller that needs to use a local EJB. We follow best practice and use the EJB Business Methods Interface pattern, so that the EJB’s local interface extends a non-EJB-specific business methods interface. We call this business methods interface MyComponent. The following example shows such an interface:

public interface MyComponent {

One of the main reasons to use the Business Methods Interface pattern is to ensure that synchronization between method signatures in local interface and bean implementation class is automatic. Another reason is that it later makes it much easier for us to switch to a POJO (plain old Java object) implementation of the service if it makes sense to do so. We also need to implement the local home interface and provide an implementation class that implements SessionBean and the MyComponent business methods interface. Now, the only Java coding we need to do to hook up our web tier controller to the EJB implementation is to expose a setter method of type MyComponent on the controller. This saves the reference as an instance variable in the controller. The following example shows how to do so:

private MyComponent myComponent;

public void setMyComponent(MyComponent myComponent) {
    this.myComponent = myComponent;

We can subsequently use this instance variable in any business method in the controller. Now, assuming we obtain our controller object out of a Spring container, we can (in the same context) configure a LocalStatelessSessionProxyFactoryBean instance, which is the EJB proxy object. We configure the proxy and set the myComponent property of the controller with the following configuration entry:

<bean id="myComponent"
    <property name="jndiName" value="ejb/myBean"/>
    <property name="businessInterface" value="com.mycom.MyComponent"/>

<bean id="myController" class="com.mycom.myController">
    <property name="myComponent" ref="myComponent"/>

A lot of work happens behind the scenes, courtesy of the Spring AOP framework, although you are not forced to work with AOP concepts to enjoy the results. The myComponent bean definition creates a proxy for the EJB, which implements the business method interface. The EJB local home is cached on startup, so there is only a single JNDI lookup. Each time the EJB is invoked, the proxy invokes the classname method on the local EJB and invokes the corresponding business method on the EJB.

The myController bean definition sets the myComponent property of the controller class to the EJB proxy.

Alternatively (and preferably in case of many such proxy definitions), consider using the <jee:local-slsb> configuration element in Spring’s “jee” namespace. The following example shows how to do so:

<jee:local-slsb id="myComponent" jndi-name="ejb/myBean"

<bean id="myController" class="com.mycom.myController">
    <property name="myComponent" ref="myComponent"/>

This EJB access mechanism delivers huge simplification of application code. The web tier code (or other EJB client code) has no dependence on the use of EJB. To replace this EJB reference with a POJO or a mock object or other test stub, we could change the myComponent bean definition without changing a line of Java code. Additionally, we have not had to write a single line of JNDI lookup or other EJB plumbing code as part of our application.

Benchmarks and experience in real applications indicate that the performance overhead of this approach (which involves reflective invocation of the target EJB) is minimal and is undetectable in typical use. Remember that we do not want to make fine-grained calls to EJBs anyway, as there is a cost associated with the EJB infrastructure in the application server.

There is one caveat with regards to the JNDI lookup. In a bean container, this class is normally best used as a singleton (there is no reason to make it a prototype). However, if that bean container pre-instantiates singletons (as do the various XML ApplicationContext variants), you can have a problem if the bean container is loaded before the EJB container loads the target EJB. That is because the JNDI lookup is performed in the init() method of this class and then cached, but the EJB has not been bound at the target location yet. The solution is to not pre-instantiate this factory object but to let it be created on first use. In the XML containers, you can control this by using the lazy-init attribute.

Although not of interest to the majority of Spring users, those doing programmatic AOP work with EJBs may want to look at LocalSlsbInvokerInterceptor.

2.1.3. Accessing Remote SLSBs

Accessing remote EJBs is essentially identical to accessing local EJBs, except that the SimpleRemoteStatelessSessionProxyFactoryBean or <jee:remote-slsb> configuration element is used. Of course, with or without Spring, remote invocation semantics apply: A call to a method on an object in another VM in another computer does sometimes have to be treated differently in terms of usage scenarios and failure handling.

Spring’s EJB client support adds one more advantage over the non-Spring approach. Normally, it is problematic for EJB client code to be easily switched back and forth between calling EJBs locally or remotely. This is because the remote interface methods must declare that they throw RemoteException, and client code must deal with this, while the local interface methods need not. Client code written for local EJBs that needs to be moved to remote EJBs typically has to be modified to add handling for the remote exceptions, and client code written for remote EJBs that needs to be moved to local EJBs can either stay the same but do a lot of unnecessary handling of remote exceptions or be modified to remove that code. With the Spring remote EJB proxy, you can instead not declare any thrown RemoteException in your Business Method Interface and implementing EJB code, have a remote interface that is identical (except that it does throw RemoteException), and rely on the proxy to dynamically treat the two interfaces as if they were the same. That is, client code does not have to deal with the checked RemoteException class. Any actual RemoteException that is thrown during the EJB invocation is re-thrown as the non-checked RemoteAccessException class, which is a subclass of RuntimeException. You can then switch the target service at will between a local EJB or remote EJB (or even plain Java object) implementation, without the client code knowing or caring. Of course, this is optional: Nothing stops you from declaring RemoteException in your business interface.

2.1.4. Accessing EJB 2.x SLSBs Versus EJB 3 SLSBs

Accessing EJB 2.x Session Beans and EJB 3 Session Beans through Spring is largely transparent. Spring’s EJB accessors, including the <jee:local-slsb> and <jee:remote-slsb> facilities, transparently adapt to the actual component at runtime. They handle a home interface if found (EJB 2.x style) or perform straight component invocations if no home interface is available (EJB 3 style).

Note: For EJB 3 Session Beans, you can effectively use a JndiObjectFactoryBean / <jee:jndi-lookup> as well, since fully usable component references are exposed for plain JNDI lookups there. Defining explicit <jee:local-slsb> or <jee:remote-slsb> lookups provides consistent and more explicit EJB access configuration.

3. JMS (Java Message Service)

Spring provides a JMS integration framework that simplifies the use of the JMS API in much the same way as Spring’s integration does for the JDBC API.

JMS can be roughly divided into two areas of functionality, namely the production and consumption of messages. The JmsTemplate class is used for message production and synchronous message reception. For asynchronous reception similar to Java EE’s message-driven bean style, Spring provides a number of message-listener containers that you can use to create Message-Driven POJOs (MDPs). Spring also provides a declarative way to create message listeners.

The org.springframework.jms.core package provides the core functionality for using JMS. It contains JMS template classes that simplify the use of the JMS by handling the creation and release of resources, much like the JdbcTemplate does for JDBC. The design principle common to Spring template classes is to provide helper methods to perform common operations and, for more sophisticated usage, delegate the essence of the processing task to user-implemented callback interfaces. The JMS template follows the same design. The classes offer various convenience methods for sending messages, consuming messages synchronously, and exposing the JMS session and message producer to the user.

The package provides JMSException translation functionality. The translation converts the checked JMSException hierarchy to a mirrored hierarchy of unchecked exceptions. If any provider-specific subclasses of the checked javax.jms.JMSException exist, this exception is wrapped in the unchecked UncategorizedJmsException.

The package provides a MessageConverter abstraction to convert between Java objects and JMS messages.

The package provides various strategies for managing JMS destinations, such as providing a service locator for destinations stored in JNDI.

The org.springframework.jms.annotation package provides the necessary infrastructure to support annotation-driven listener endpoints by using @JmsListener.

The org.springframework.jms.config package provides the parser implementation for the jms namespace as well as the java config support to configure listener containers and create listener endpoints.

Finally, the org.springframework.jms.connection package provides an implementation of the ConnectionFactory suitable for use in standalone applications. It also contains an implementation of Spring’s PlatformTransactionManager for JMS (the cunningly named JmsTransactionManager). This allows for seamless integration of JMS as a transactional resource into Spring’s transaction management mechanisms.

3.1. Using Spring JMS

This section describes how to use Spring’s JMS components.

3.1.1. Using JmsTemplate

The JmsTemplate class is the central class in the JMS core package. It simplifies the use of JMS, since it handles the creation and release of resources when sending or synchronously receiving messages.

Code that uses the JmsTemplate needs only to implement callback interfaces that give them a clearly defined high-level contract. The MessageCreator callback interface creates a message when given a Session provided by the calling code in JmsTemplate. To allow for more complex usage of the JMS API, SessionCallback provides the JMS session, and ProducerCallback exposes a Session and MessageProducer pair.

The JMS API exposes two types of send methods, one that takes delivery mode, priority, and time-to-live as Quality of Service (QOS) parameters and one that takes no QOS parameters and uses default values. Since JmsTemplate has many send methods, setting the QOS parameters have been exposed as bean properties to avoid duplication in the number of send methods. Similarly, the timeout value for synchronous receive calls is set by using the setReceiveTimeout property.

Some JMS providers allow the setting of default QOS values administratively through the configuration of the ConnectionFactory. This has the effect that a call to a MessageProducer instance’s send method (send(Destination destination, Message message)) uses different QOS default values than those specified in the JMS specification. In order to provide consistent management of QOS values, the JmsTemplate must, therefore, be specifically enabled to use its own QOS values by setting the boolean property isExplicitQosEnabled to true.

For convenience, JmsTemplate also exposes a basic request-reply operation that allows for sending a message and waiting for a reply on a temporary queue that is created as part of the operation.

Instances of the JmsTemplate class are thread-safe, once configured. This is important, because it means that you can configure a single instance of a JmsTemplate and then safely inject this shared reference into multiple collaborators. To be clear, the JmsTemplate is stateful, in that it maintains a reference to a ConnectionFactory, but this state is not conversational state.

As of Spring Framework 4.1, JmsMessagingTemplate is built on top of JmsTemplate and provides an integration with the messaging abstraction — that is, org.springframework.messaging.Message. This lets you create the message to send in a generic manner.

3.1.2. Connections

The JmsTemplate requires a reference to a ConnectionFactory. The ConnectionFactory is part of the JMS specification and serves as the entry point for working with JMS. It is used by the client application as a factory to create connections with the JMS provider and encapsulates various configuration parameters, many of which are vendor-specific, such as SSL configuration options.

When using JMS inside an EJB, the vendor provides implementations of the JMS interfaces so that they can participate in declarative transaction management and perform pooling of connections and sessions. In order to use this implementation, Java EE containers typically require that you declare a JMS connection factory as a resource-ref inside the EJB or servlet deployment descriptors. To ensure the use of these features with the JmsTemplate inside an EJB, the client application should ensure that it references the managed implementation of the ConnectionFactory.

Caching Messaging Resources

The standard API involves creating many intermediate objects. To send a message, the following 'API' walk is performed:


Between the ConnectionFactory and the Send operation, three intermediate objects are created and destroyed. To optimize the resource usage and increase performance, Spring provides two implementations of ConnectionFactory.

Using SingleConnectionFactory

Spring provides an implementation of the ConnectionFactory interface, SingleConnectionFactory, that returns the same Connection on all createConnection() calls and ignores calls to close(). This is useful for testing and standalone environments so that the same connection can be used for multiple JmsTemplate calls that may span any number of transactions. SingleConnectionFactory takes a reference to a standard ConnectionFactory that would typically come from JNDI.

Using CachingConnectionFactory

The CachingConnectionFactory extends the functionality of SingleConnectionFactory and adds the caching of Session, MessageProducer, and MessageConsumer instances. The initial cache size is set to 1. You can use the sessionCacheSize property to increase the number of cached sessions. Note that the number of actual cached sessions is more than that number, as sessions are cached based on their acknowledgment mode, so there can be up to four cached session instances (one for each acknowledgment mode) when sessionCacheSize is set to one . MessageProducer and MessageConsumer instances are cached within their owning session and also take into account the unique properties of the producers and consumers when caching. MessageProducers are cached based on their destination. MessageConsumers are cached based on a key composed of the destination, selector, noLocal delivery flag, and the durable subscription name (if creating durable consumers).

3.1.3. Destination Management

Destinations, as ConnectionFactory instances, are JMS administered objects that you can store and retrieved in JNDI. When configuring a Spring application context, you can use the JNDI JndiObjectFactoryBean factory class or <jee:jndi-lookup> to perform dependency injection on your object’s references to JMS destinations. However, this strategy is often cumbersome if there are a large number of destinations in the application or if there are advanced destination management features unique to the JMS provider. Examples of such advanced destination management include the creation of dynamic destinations or support for a hierarchical namespace of destinations. The JmsTemplate delegates the resolution of a destination name to a JMS destination object that implements the DestinationResolver interface. DynamicDestinationResolver is the default implementation used by JmsTemplate and accommodates resolving dynamic destinations. A JndiDestinationResolver is also provided to act as a service locator for destinations contained in JNDI and optionally falls back to the behavior contained in DynamicDestinationResolver.

Quite often, the destinations used in a JMS application are only known at runtime and, therefore, cannot be administratively created when the application is deployed. This is often because there is shared application logic between interacting system components that create destinations at runtime according to a well-known naming convention. Even though the creation of dynamic destinations is not part of the JMS specification, most vendors have provided this functionality. Dynamic destinations are created with a user-defined name, which differentiates them from temporary destinations, and are often not registered in JNDI. The API used to create dynamic destinations varies from provider to provider since the properties associated with the destination are vendor-specific. However, a simple implementation choice that is sometimes made by vendors is to disregard the warnings in the JMS specification and to use the method TopicSession createTopic(String topicName) or the QueueSession createQueue(String queueName) method to create a new destination with default destination properties. Depending on the vendor implementation, DynamicDestinationResolver can then also create a physical destination instead of only resolving one.

The boolean property pubSubDomain is used to configure the JmsTemplate with knowledge of what JMS domain is being used. By default, the value of this property is false, indicating that the point-to-point domain, Queues, is to be used. This property (used by JmsTemplate) determines the behavior of dynamic destination resolution through implementations of the DestinationResolver interface.

You can also configure the JmsTemplate with a default destination through the property defaultDestination. The default destination is with send and receive operations that do not refer to a specific destination.

3.1.4. Message Listener Containers

One of the most common uses of JMS messages in the EJB world is to drive message-driven beans (MDBs). Spring offers a solution to create message-driven POJOs (MDPs) in a way that does not tie a user to an EJB container. (See Asynchronous reception: Message-Driven POJOs for detailed coverage of Spring’s MDP support.) Since Spring Framework 4.1, endpoint methods can be annotated with @JmsListener — see Annotation-driven Listener Endpoints for more details.

A message listener container is used to receive messages from a JMS message queue and drive the MessageListener that is injected into it. The listener container is responsible for all threading of message reception and dispatches into the listener for processing. A message listener container is the intermediary between an MDP and a messaging provider and takes care of registering to receive messages, participating in transactions, resource acquisition and release, exception conversion, and so on. This lets you write the (possibly complex) business logic associated with receiving a message (and possibly respond to it), and delegates boilerplate JMS infrastructure concerns to the framework.

There are two standard JMS message listener containers packaged with Spring, each with its specialized feature set.

Using SimpleMessageListenerContainer

This message listener container is the simpler of the two standard flavors. It creates a fixed number of JMS sessions and consumers at startup, registers the listener by using the standard JMS MessageConsumer.setMessageListener() method, and leaves it up the JMS provider to perform listener callbacks. This variant does not allow for dynamic adaption to runtime demands or for participation in externally managed transactions. Compatibility-wise, it stays very close to the spirit of the standalone JMS specification, but is generally not compatible with Java EE’s JMS restrictions.

While SimpleMessageListenerContainer does not allow for participation in externally managed transactions, it does support native JMS transactions. To enable this feature, you can switch the sessionTransacted flag to true or, in the XML namespace, set the acknowledge attribute to transacted. Exceptions thrown from your listener then lead to a rollback, with the message getting redelivered. Alternatively, consider using CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE mode, which provides redelivery in case of an exception as well but does not use transacted Session instances and, therefore, does not include any other Session operations (such as sending response messages) in the transaction protocol.
The default AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE mode does not provide proper reliability guarantees. Messages can get lost when listener execution fails (since the provider automatically acknowledges each message after listener invocation, with no exceptions to be propagated to the provider) or when the listener container shuts down (you can configure this by setting the acceptMessagesWhileStopping flag). Make sure to use transacted sessions in case of reliability needs (for example, for reliable queue handling and durable topic subscriptions).
Using DefaultMessageListenerContainer

This message listener container is used in most cases. In contrast to SimpleMessageListenerContainer, this container variant allows for dynamic adaptation to runtime demands and is able to participate in externally managed transactions. Each received message is registered with an XA transaction when configured with a JtaTransactionManager. As a result, processing may take advantage of XA transaction semantics. This listener container strikes a good balance between low requirements on the JMS provider, advanced functionality (such as participation in externally managed transactions), and compatibility with Java EE environments.

You can customize the cache level of the container. Note that, when no caching is enabled, a new connection and a new session is created for each message reception. Combining this with a non-durable subscription with high loads may lead to message loss. Make sure to use a proper cache level in such a case.

This container also has recoverable capabilities when the broker goes down. By default, a simple BackOff implementation retries every five seconds. You can specify a custom BackOff implementation for more fine-grained recovery options. See api-spring-framework/util/backoff/ExponentialBackOff.html[ExponentialBackOff] for an example.

Like its sibling (SimpleMessageListenerContainer), DefaultMessageListenerContainer supports native JMS transactions and allows for customizing the acknowledgment mode. If feasible for your scenario, This is strongly recommended over externally managed transactions — that is, if you can live with occasional duplicate messages in case of the JVM dying. Custom duplicate message detection steps in your business logic can cover such situations — for example, in the form of a business entity existence check or a protocol table check. Any such arrangements are significantly more efficient than the alternative: wrapping your entire processing with an XA transaction (through configuring your DefaultMessageListenerContainer with an JtaTransactionManager) to cover the reception of the JMS message as well as the execution of the business logic in your message listener (including database operations etc).
The default AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE mode does not provide proper reliability guarantees. Messages can get lost when listener execution fails (since the provider automatically acknowledges each message after listener invocation, with no exceptions to be propagated to the provider) or when the listener container shuts down (you can configure this by setting the acceptMessagesWhileStopping flag). Make sure to use transacted sessions in case of reliability needs (for example, for reliable queue handling and durable topic subscriptions).

3.1.5. Transaction Management

Spring provides a JmsTransactionManager that manages transactions for a single JMS ConnectionFactory. This lets JMS applications leverage the managed-transaction features of Spring, as described in Transaction Management section of the Data Access chapter. The JmsTransactionManager performs local resource transactions, binding a JMS Connection/Session pair from the specified ConnectionFactory to the thread. JmsTemplate automatically detects such transactional resources and operates on them accordingly.

In a Java EE environment, the ConnectionFactory pools Connection and Session instances, so those resources are efficiently reused across transactions. In a standalone environment, using Spring’s SingleConnectionFactory result in a shared JMS Connection, with each transaction having its own independent Session. Alternatively, consider the use of a provider-specific pooling adapter, such as ActiveMQ’s PooledConnectionFactory class.

You can also use JmsTemplate with the JtaTransactionManager and an XA-capable JMS ConnectionFactory to perform distributed transactions. Note that this requires the use of a JTA transaction manager as well as a properly XA-configured ConnectionFactory. (Check your Java EE server’s or JMS provider’s documentation.)

Reusing code across a managed and unmanaged transactional environment can be confusing when using the JMS API to create a Session from a Connection. This is because the JMS API has only one factory method to create a Session, and it requires values for the transaction and acknowledgment modes. In a managed environment, setting these values is the responsibility of the environment’s transactional infrastructure, so these values are ignored by the vendor’s wrapper to the JMS Connection. When you use the JmsTemplate in an unmanaged environment, you can specify these values through the use of the properties sessionTransacted and sessionAcknowledgeMode. When you use a PlatformTransactionManager with JmsTemplate, the template is always given a transactional JMS Session.

3.2. Sending a Message

The JmsTemplate contains many convenience methods to send a message. Send methods specify the destination by using a javax.jms.Destination object, and others specify the destination by using a String in a JNDI lookup. The send method that takes no destination argument uses the default destination.

The following example uses the MessageCreator callback to create a text message from the supplied Session object:

import javax.jms.ConnectionFactory;
import javax.jms.JMSException;
import javax.jms.Message;
import javax.jms.Queue;
import javax.jms.Session;

import org.springframework.jms.core.MessageCreator;
import org.springframework.jms.core.JmsTemplate;

public class JmsQueueSender {

    private JmsTemplate jmsTemplate;
    private Queue queue;

    public void setConnectionFactory(ConnectionFactory cf) {
        this.jmsTemplate = new JmsTemplate(cf);

    public void setQueue(Queue queue) {
        this.queue = queue;

    public void simpleSend() {
        this.jmsTemplate.send(this.queue, new MessageCreator() {
            public Message createMessage(Session session) throws JMSException {
                return session.createTextMessage("hello queue world");

In the preceding example, the JmsTemplate is constructed by passing a reference to a ConnectionFactory. As an alternative, a zero-argument constructor and connectionFactory is provided and can be used for constructing the instance in JavaBean style (using a BeanFactory or plain Java code). Alternatively, consider deriving from Spring’s JmsGatewaySupport convenience base class, which provides pre-built bean properties for JMS configuration.

The send(String destinationName, MessageCreator creator) method lets you send a message by using the string name of the destination. If these names are registered in JNDI, you should set the destinationResolver property of the template to an instance of JndiDestinationResolver.

If you created the JmsTemplate and specified a default destination, the send(MessageCreator c) sends a message to that destination.

3.2.1. Using Message Converters

To facilitate the sending of domain model objects, the JmsTemplate has various send methods that take a Java object as an argument for a message’s data content. The overloaded methods convertAndSend() and receiveAndConvert() methods in JmsTemplate delegate the conversion process to an instance of the MessageConverter interface. This interface defines a simple contract to convert between Java objects and JMS messages. The default implementation (SimpleMessageConverter) supports conversion between String and TextMessage, byte[] and BytesMesssage, and java.util.Map and MapMessage. By using the converter, you and your application code can focus on the business object that is being sent or received through JMS and not be concerned with the details of how it is represented as a JMS message.

The sandbox currently includes a MapMessageConverter, which uses reflection to convert between a JavaBean and a MapMessage. Other popular implementation choices you might implement yourself are converters that use an existing XML marshalling package (such as JAXB, Castor, or XStream) to create a TextMessage that represents the object.

To accommodate the setting of a message’s properties, headers, and body that can not be generically encapsulated inside a converter class, the MessagePostProcessor interface gives you access to the message after it has been converted but before it is sent. The following example shows how to modify a message header and a property after a java.util.Map is converted to a message:

public void sendWithConversion() {
    Map map = new HashMap();
    map.put("Name", "Mark");
    map.put("Age", new Integer(47));
    jmsTemplate.convertAndSend("testQueue", map, new MessagePostProcessor() {
        public Message postProcessMessage(Message message) throws JMSException {
            message.setIntProperty("AccountID", 1234);
            return message;

This results in a message of the following form:

        ... standard headers ...

3.2.2. Using SessionCallback and ProducerCallback

While the send operations cover many common usage scenarios, you might sometimes want to perform multiple operations on a JMS Session or MessageProducer. The SessionCallback and ProducerCallback expose the JMS Session and Session / MessageProducer pair, respectively. The execute() methods on JmsTemplate execute these callback methods.

3.3. Receiving a Message

This describes how to receive messages with JMS in Spring.

3.3.1. Synchronous Reception

While JMS is typically associated with asynchronous processing, you can consume messages synchronously. The overloaded receive(..) methods provide this functionality. During a synchronous receive, the calling thread blocks until a message becomes available. This can be a dangerous operation, since the calling thread can potentially be blocked indefinitely. The receiveTimeout property specifies how long the receiver should wait before giving up waiting for a message.

3.3.2. Asynchronous reception: Message-Driven POJOs

Spring also supports annotated-listener endpoints through the use of the @JmsListener annotation and provides an open infrastructure to register endpoints programmatically. This is, by far, the most convenient way to setup an asynchronous receiver. See Enable Listener Endpoint Annotations for more details.

In a fashion similar to a Message-Driven Bean (MDB) in the EJB world, the Message-Driven POJO (MDP) acts as a receiver for JMS messages. The one restriction (but see Using MessageListenerAdapter) on an MDP is that it must implement the javax.jms.MessageListener interface. Note that, if your POJO receives messages on multiple threads, it is important to ensure that your implementation is thread-safe.

The following example shows a simple implementation of an MDP:

import javax.jms.JMSException;
import javax.jms.Message;
import javax.jms.MessageListener;
import javax.jms.TextMessage;

public class ExampleListener implements MessageListener {

    public void onMessage(Message message) {
        if (message instanceof TextMessage) {
            try {
                System.out.println(((TextMessage) message).getText());
            catch (JMSException ex) {
                throw new RuntimeException(ex);
        else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Message must be of type TextMessage");

Once you have implemented your MessageListener, it is time to create a message listener container.

The following example shows how to define and configure one of the message listener containers that ships with Spring (in this case, DefaultMessageListenerContainer):

<!-- this is the Message Driven POJO (MDP) -->
<bean id="messageListener" class="jmsexample.ExampleListener"/>

<!-- and this is the message listener container -->
<bean id="jmsContainer" class="org.springframework.jms.listener.DefaultMessageListenerContainer">
    <property name="connectionFactory" ref="connectionFactory"/>
    <property name="destination" ref="destination"/>
    <property name="messageListener" ref="messageListener"/>

See the Spring javadoc of the various message listener containers (all of which implement MessageListenerContainer ) for a full description of the features supported by each implementation.

3.3.3. Using the SessionAwareMessageListener Interface

The SessionAwareMessageListener interface is a Spring-specific interface that provides a similar contract to the JMS MessageListener interface but also gives the message-handling method access to the JMS Session from which the Message was received. The following listing shows the definition of the SessionAwareMessageListener interface:

package org.springframework.jms.listener;

public interface SessionAwareMessageListener {

    void onMessage(Message message, Session session) throws JMSException;

You can choose to have your MDPs implement this interface (in preference to the standard JMS MessageListener interface) if you want your MDPs to be able to respond to any received messages (by using the Session supplied in the onMessage(Message, Session) method). All of the message listener container implementations that ship with Spring have support for MDPs that implement either the MessageListener or SessionAwareMessageListener interface. Classes that implement the SessionAwareMessageListener come with the caveat that they are then tied to Spring through the interface. The choice of whether or not to use it is left entirely up to you as an application developer or architect.

Note that the onMessage(..) method of the SessionAwareMessageListener interface throws JMSException. In contrast to the standard JMS MessageListener interface, when using the SessionAwareMessageListener interface, it is the responsibility of the client code to handle any thrown exceptions.

3.3.4. Using MessageListenerAdapter

The MessageListenerAdapter class is the final component in Spring’s asynchronous messaging support. In a nutshell, it lets you expose almost any class as an MDP (though there are some constraints).

Consider the following interface definition:

public interface MessageDelegate {

    void handleMessage(String message);

    void handleMessage(Map message);

    void handleMessage(byte[] message);

    void handleMessage(Serializable message);