88. 定制

本节仅适用于 Groovy DSL

您可以通过扩展 DSL 来自定义 Spring Cloud Contract Verifier,如本节其余部分所示。

88.1 扩展 DSL

您可以为 DSL 提供自己的功能。此 feature 的 key 要求是保持静态兼容性。在本文档的后面部分,您可以看到以下示例:

你可以找到完整的 example 这里

88.1.1 Common JAR

以下示例显示了可在 DSL 中重用的三个 classes。


package com.example;

import java.util.regex.Pattern;

 * If you want to use {@link Pattern} directly in your tests
 * then you can create a class resembling this one. It can
 * contain all the {@link Pattern} you want to use in the DSL.
 * <pre>
 * {@code
 * request {
 *     body(
 *         [ age: $(c(PatternUtils.oldEnough()))]
 *     )
 * }
 * </pre>
 * Notice that we're using both {@code $()} for dynamic values
 * and {@code c()} for the consumer side.
 * @author Marcin Grzejszczak
public class PatternUtils {

	public static String tooYoung() {
		return "[0-1][0-9]";

	public static Pattern oldEnough() {
		return Pattern.compile("[2-9][0-9]");

	 * Makes little sense but it's just an example ;)
	public static Pattern ok() {
		return Pattern.compile("OK");


package com.example;

import org.springframework.cloud.contract.spec.internal.ClientDslProperty;

 * DSL Properties passed to the DSL from the consumer's perspective.
 * That means that on the input side {@code Request} for HTTP
 * or {@code Input} for messaging you can have a regular expression.
 * On the {@code Response} for HTTP or {@code Output} for messaging
 * you have to have a concrete value.
 * @author Marcin Grzejszczak
public class ConsumerUtils {
	 * Consumer side property. By using the {@link ClientDslProperty}
	 * you can omit most of boilerplate code from the perspective
	 * of dynamic values. Example
	 * <pre>
	 * {@code
	 * request {
	 *     body(
	 *         [ age: $(ConsumerUtils.oldEnough())]
	 *     )
	 * }
	 * </pre>
	 * That way it's in the implementation that we decide what value we will pass to the consumer
	 * and which one to the producer.
	 * @author Marcin Grzejszczak
	public static ClientDslProperty oldEnough() {
		// this example is not the best one and
		// theoretically you could just pass the regex instead of `ServerDslProperty` but
		// it's just to show some new tricks :)
		return new ClientDslProperty(PatternUtils.oldEnough(), 40);



package com.example;

import org.springframework.cloud.contract.spec.internal.ServerDslProperty;

 * DSL Properties passed to the DSL from the producer's perspective.
 * That means that on the input side {@code Request} for HTTP
 * or {@code Input} for messaging you have to have a concrete value.
 * On the {@code Response} for HTTP or {@code Output} for messaging
 * you can have a regular expression.
 * @author Marcin Grzejszczak
public class ProducerUtils {

	 * Producer side property. By using the {@link ProducerUtils}
	 * you can omit most of boilerplate code from the perspective
	 * of dynamic values. Example
	 * <pre>
	 * {@code
	 * response {
	 *     body(
	 *         [ status: $(ProducerUtils.ok())]
	 *     )
	 * }
	 * </pre>
	 * That way it's in the implementation that we decide what value we will pass to the consumer
	 * and which one to the producer.
	public static ServerDslProperty ok() {
		// this example is not the best one and
		// theoretically you could just pass the regex instead of `ServerDslProperty` but
		// it's just to show some new tricks :)
		return new ServerDslProperty( PatternUtils.ok(), "OK");

88.1.2 将依赖项添加到项目中

在插件中,为了能够_remon common JAR classes,IDE 需要将依赖项传递给项目。

88.1.3 测试项目依赖关系中的依赖关系

首先,将 common jar 依赖项添加为测试依赖项。由于 contracts files 在测试资源路径上可用,因此 common jar classes 会自动在 Groovy files 中可见。以下示例显示如何测试依赖项:

Maven 的.




88.1.4 在插件的依赖关系中测试依赖关系


Maven 的.



classpath "com.example:beer-common:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT"

88.1.5 在 DSL 中引用 classes

您现在可以在 DSL 中引用您的 classes,如下面的示例所示:

package contracts.beer.rest

import com.example.ConsumerUtils
import com.example.ProducerUtils
import org.springframework.cloud.contract.spec.Contract

Contract.make {
Represents a successful scenario of getting a beer

client 足够老了

	request {
		method 'POST'
		url '/check'
				age: $(ConsumerUtils.oldEnough())
		headers {
	response {
		status 200
				"status": "${value(ProducerUtils.ok())}"
		headers {