Class StepBuilder

    • Constructor Detail

      • StepBuilder

        public StepBuilder​(java.lang.String name)
        Initialize a step builder for a step with the given name.
        name - the name of the step
    • Method Detail

      • chunk

        public <I,​O> SimpleStepBuilder<I,​O> chunk​(int chunkSize)
        Build a step that processes items in chunks with the size provided. To extend the step to being fault tolerant, call the SimpleStepBuilder.faultTolerant() method on the builder. In most cases you will want to parameterize your call to this method, to preserve the type safety of your readers and writers, e.g.
         new StepBuilder("step1").<Order, Ledger> chunk(100).reader(new OrderReader()).writer(new LedgerWriter())
         // ... etc.
        Type Parameters:
        I - the type of item to be processed as input
        O - the type of item to be output
        chunkSize - the chunk size (commit interval)
        a SimpleStepBuilder
      • chunk

        public <I,​O> SimpleStepBuilder<I,​O> chunk​(CompletionPolicy completionPolicy)
        Build a step that processes items in chunks with the completion policy provided. To extend the step to being fault tolerant, call the SimpleStepBuilder.faultTolerant() method on the builder. In most cases you will want to parameterize your call to this method, to preserve the type safety of your readers and writers, e.g.
         new StepBuilder("step1").<Order, Ledger> chunk(100).reader(new OrderReader()).writer(new LedgerWriter())
         // ... etc.
        Type Parameters:
        I - the type of item to be processed as input
        O - the type of item to be output *
        completionPolicy - the completion policy to use to control chunk processing
        a SimpleStepBuilder
      • partitioner

        public PartitionStepBuilder partitioner​(java.lang.String stepName,
                                                Partitioner partitioner)
        Create a partition step builder for a remote (or local) step.
        stepName - the name of the remote or delegate step
        partitioner - a partitioner to be used to construct new step executions
        a PartitionStepBuilder
      • partitioner

        public PartitionStepBuilder partitioner​(Step step)
        Create a partition step builder for a remote (or local) step.
        step - the step to execute in parallel
        a PartitionStepBuilder