Class ConditionEvaluationReport

    • Method Detail

      • recordConditionEvaluation

        public void recordConditionEvaluation​(String source,
                                              org.springframework.context.annotation.Condition condition,
                                              ConditionOutcome outcome)
        Record the occurrence of condition evaluation.
        source - the source of the condition (class or method name)
        condition - the condition evaluated
        outcome - the condition outcome
      • recordExclusions

        public void recordExclusions​(Collection<String> exclusions)
        Records the names of the classes that have been excluded from condition evaluation.
        exclusions - the names of the excluded classes
      • recordEvaluationCandidates

        public void recordEvaluationCandidates​(List<String> evaluationCandidates)
        Records the names of the classes that are candidates for condition evaluation.
        evaluationCandidates - the names of the classes whose conditions will be evaluated
      • getExclusions

        public List<StringgetExclusions()
        Returns the names of the classes that have been excluded from condition evaluation.
        the names of the excluded classes
      • getUnconditionalClasses

        public Set<StringgetUnconditionalClasses()
        Returns the names of the classes that were evaluated but were not conditional.
        the names of the unconditional classes
      • getParent

        public ConditionEvaluationReport getParent()
        The parent report (from a parent BeanFactory if there is one).
        the parent report (or null if there isn't one)