Interface MessagingAdviceBean

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface MessagingAdviceBean
    extends Ordered
    Represents a Spring-managed bean with cross-cutting functionality to be applied to one or more Spring beans with annotation-based message handling methods.

    Component stereotypes such as @Controller with annotation handler methods often need cross-cutting functionality across all or a subset of such annotated components. A primary example of this is the need for "global" annotated exception handler methods but the concept applies more generally.

    Rossen Stoyanchev
    • Method Detail

      • getBeanType

        Class<?> getBeanType()
        Return the type of the contained advice bean.

        If the bean type is a CGLIB-generated class, the original user-defined class is returned.

      • resolveBean

        Object resolveBean()
        Return the advice bean instance, if necessary resolving a bean specified by name through the BeanFactory.