Class SimpleBrokerRegistration

    • Method Detail

      • setHeartbeatValue

        public SimpleBrokerRegistration setHeartbeatValue​(long[] heartbeat)
        Configure the value for the heartbeat settings. The first number represents how often the server will write or send a heartbeat. The second is how often the client should write. 0 means no heartbeats.

        By default this is set to "0, 0" unless the taskScheduler in which case the default becomes "10000,10000" (in milliseconds).

      • setSelectorHeaderName

        public void setSelectorHeaderName​(String selectorHeaderName)
        Configure the name of a header that a subscription message can have for the purpose of filtering messages matched to the subscription. The header value is expected to be a Spring EL boolean expression to be applied to the headers of messages matched to the subscription.

        For example:
 == 'bar'

        By default this is set to "selector". You can set it to a different name, or to null to turn off support for a selector header.

        selectorHeaderName - the name to use for a selector header