Class InstanceFilter<T>

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class InstanceFilter<T>
    extends Object
    A simple instance filter that checks if a given instance match based on a collection of includes and excludes element.

    Subclasses may want to override match(Object, Object) to provide a custom matching algorithm.

    Stephane Nicoll
    • Constructor Detail

      • InstanceFilter

        public InstanceFilter​(Collection<? extends T> includes,
                              Collection<? extends T> excludes,
                              boolean matchIfEmpty)
        Create a new instance based on includes/excludes collections.

        A particular element will match if it "matches" the one of the element in the includes list and does not match one of the element in the excludes list.

        Subclasses may redefine what matching means. By default, an element match with another if it is equals according to Object.equals(Object)

        If both collections are empty, matchIfEmpty defines if an element matches or not.

        includes - the collection of includes
        excludes - the collection of excludes
        matchIfEmpty - the matching result if both the includes and the excludes collections are empty
    • Method Detail

      • match

        public boolean match​(T instance)
        Determine if the specified {code instance} matches this filter.
      • match

        protected boolean match​(T instance,
                                T candidate)
        Determine if the specified instance is equal to the specified candidate.
        instance - the instance to handle
        candidate - a candidate defined by this filter
        true if the instance matches the candidate
      • match

        protected boolean match​(T instance,
                                Collection<? extends T> candidates)
        Determine if the specified instance matches one of the candidates.

        If the candidates collection is null, returns false.

        instance - the instance to check
        candidates - a list of candidates
        true if the instance match or the candidates collection is null