Class CharSequenceEncoder

    • Field Detail

    • Method Detail

      • encodeValue

        public DataBuffer encodeValue​(CharSequence charSequence,
                                      DataBufferFactory bufferFactory,
                                      ResolvableType valueType,
                                      MimeType mimeType,
                                      Map<String,​Object> hints)
        Description copied from interface: Encoder
        Encode an Object of type T to a data buffer. This is useful for scenarios, that distinct messages (or events) are encoded and handled individually, in fully aggregated form.

        By default this method raises UnsupportedOperationException and it is expected that some encoders cannot produce a single buffer or cannot do so synchronously (e.g. encoding a Resource).

        charSequence - the value to be encoded
        bufferFactory - for creating the output DataBuffer
        valueType - the type for the value being encoded
        mimeType - the MIME type for the output content (optional)
        hints - additional information about how to encode
        the encoded content