Class SimpleHttpServerJaxWsServiceExporter

    • Field Detail

    • Method Detail

      • setServer

        public void setServer​( server)
        Specify an existing HTTP server to register the web service contexts with. This will typically be a server managed by the general Spring SimpleHttpServerFactoryBean.

        Alternatively, configure a local HTTP server through the "port", "hostname" and "backlog" properties (or rely on the defaults there).

      • setPort

        public void setPort​(int port)
        Specify the HTTP server's port. Default is 8080.

        Only applicable for a locally configured HTTP server. Ignored when the "server" property has been specified.

      • setHostname

        public void setHostname​(String hostname)
        Specify the HTTP server's hostname to bind to. Default is localhost; can be overridden with a specific network address to bind to.

        Only applicable for a locally configured HTTP server. Ignored when the "server" property has been specified.

      • setBacklog

        public void setBacklog​(int backlog)
        Specify the HTTP server's TCP backlog. Default is -1, indicating the system's default value.

        Only applicable for a locally configured HTTP server. Ignored when the "server" property has been specified.

      • setShutdownDelay

        public void setShutdownDelay​(int shutdownDelay)
        Specify the number of seconds to wait until HTTP exchanges have completed when shutting down the HTTP server. Default is 0.

        Only applicable for a locally configured HTTP server. Ignored when the "server" property has been specified.

      • setBasePath

        public void setBasePath​(String basePath)
        Set the base path for context publication. Default is "/".

        For each context publication path, the service name will be appended to this base address. E.g. service name "OrderService" -> "/OrderService".

        See Also:
        Endpoint.publish(Object), WebService.serviceName()
      • setFilters

        public void setFilters​(List<> filters)
        Register common Filters to be applied to all detected WebService annotated beans.
      • setAuthenticator

        public void setAuthenticator​( authenticator)
        Register a common Authenticator to be applied to all detected WebService annotated beans.
      • buildHttpContext

        protected buildHttpContext​(Endpoint endpoint,
                                                                      String serviceName)
        Build the HttpContext for the given endpoint.
        endpoint - the JAX-WS Provider Endpoint object
        serviceName - the given service name
        the fully populated HttpContext
      • calculateEndpointPath

        protected String calculateEndpointPath​(Endpoint endpoint,
                                               String serviceName)
        Calculate the full endpoint path for the given endpoint.
        endpoint - the JAX-WS Provider Endpoint object
        serviceName - the given service name
        the full endpoint path