Interface ConfigurableMockMvcBuilder<B extends ConfigurableMockMvcBuilder<B>>

    • Method Detail

      • addFilters

        <T extends B> T addFilters​(Filter... filters)
        Add filters mapped to any request (i.e. "/*"). For example:

        is the equivalent of the following web.xml configuration:


        Filters will be invoked in the order in which they are provided.

        filters - the filters to add
      • addFilter

        <T extends B> T addFilter​(Filter filter,
                                  String... urlPatterns)
        Add a filter mapped to a specific set of patterns. For example:
         mockMvcBuilder.addFilters(myResourceFilter, "/resources/*");

        is the equivalent of:


        Filters will be invoked in the order in which they are provided.

        filter - the filter to add
        urlPatterns - the URL patterns to map to; if empty, "/*" is used by default
      • defaultRequest

        <T extends B> T defaultRequest​(RequestBuilder requestBuilder)
        Define default request properties that should be merged into all performed requests. In effect this provides a mechanism for defining common initialization for all requests such as the content type, request parameters, session attributes, and any other request property.

        Properties specified at the time of performing a request override the default properties defined here.

        requestBuilder - a RequestBuilder; see static factory methods in MockMvcRequestBuilders
      • alwaysExpect

        <T extends B> T alwaysExpect​(ResultMatcher resultMatcher)
        Define a global expectation that should always be applied to every response. For example, status code 200 (OK), content type "application/json", etc.
        resultMatcher - a ResultMatcher; see static factory methods in MockMvcResultMatchers
      • alwaysDo

        <T extends B> T alwaysDo​(ResultHandler resultHandler)
        Define a global action that should always be applied to every response. For example, writing detailed information about the performed request and resulting response to System.out.
        resultHandler - a ResultHandler; see static factory methods in MockMvcResultHandlers
      • dispatchOptions

        <T extends B> T dispatchOptions​(boolean dispatchOptions)
        Whether to enable the DispatcherServlet property dispatchOptionsRequest which allows processing of HTTP OPTIONS requests.
      • apply

        <T extends B> T apply​(MockMvcConfigurer configurer)
        Add a MockMvcConfigurer that automates MockMvc setup and configures it for some specific purpose (e.g. security).

        There is a built-in SharedHttpSessionConfigurer that can be used to re-use the HTTP session across requests. 3rd party frameworks like Spring Security also use this mechanism to provide configuration shortcuts.

        See Also: