Class ResourceHandlerRegistration

    • Method Detail

      • addResourceLocations

        public ResourceHandlerRegistration addResourceLocations​(String... resourceLocations)
        Add one or more resource locations from which to serve static content. Each location must point to a valid directory. Multiple locations may be specified as a comma-separated list, and the locations will be checked for a given resource in the order specified.

        For example, {"/", "classpath:/META-INF/public-web-resources/"} allows resources to be served both from the web application root and from any JAR on the classpath that contains a /META-INF/public-web-resources/ directory, with resources in the web application root taking precedence.

        the same ResourceHandlerRegistration instance, for chained method invocation
      • resourceChain

        public ResourceChainRegistration resourceChain​(boolean cacheResources)
        Configure a chain of resource resolvers and transformers to use. This can be useful, for example, to apply a version strategy to resource URLs.

        If this method is not invoked, by default only a simple PathResourceResolver is used in order to match URL paths to resources under the configured locations.

        cacheResources - whether to cache the result of resource resolution; setting this to "true" is recommended for production (and "false" for development, especially when applying a version strategy)
        the same ResourceHandlerRegistration instance, for chained method invocation
      • resourceChain

        public ResourceChainRegistration resourceChain​(boolean cacheResources,
                                                       Cache cache)
        Configure a chain of resource resolvers and transformers to use. This can be useful, for example, to apply a version strategy to resource URLs.

        If this method is not invoked, by default only a simple PathResourceResolver is used in order to match URL paths to resources under the configured locations.

        cacheResources - whether to cache the result of resource resolution; setting this to "true" is recommended for production (and "false" for development, especially when applying a version strategy
        cache - the cache to use for storing resolved and transformed resources; by default a ConcurrentMapCache is used. Since Resources aren't serializable and can be dependent on the application host, one should not use a distributed cache but rather an in-memory cache.
        the same ResourceHandlerRegistration instance, for chained method invocation
      • getPathPatterns

        protected String[] getPathPatterns()
        Returns the URL path patterns for the resource handler.