程序包 org.junit.runner

类 JUnitCore

  • public class JUnitCore
    extends Object
    JUnitCore is a facade for running tests. It supports running JUnit 4 tests, JUnit 3.8.x tests, and mixtures. To run tests from the command line, run java org.junit.runner.JUnitCore TestClass1 TestClass2 .... For one-shot test runs, use the static method runClasses(Class[]). If you want to add special listeners, create an instance of JUnitCore first and use it to run the tests.
    Result, RunListener, Request
    • 构造器详细资料

    • 方法详细资料

      • main

        public static void main​(String... args)
        Run the tests contained in the classes named in the args. If all tests run successfully, exit with a status of 0. Otherwise exit with a status of 1. Write feedback while tests are running and write stack traces for all failed tests after the tests all complete.
        args - names of classes in which to find tests to run
      • runClasses

        public static Result runClasses​(Class<?>... classes)
        Run the tests contained in classes. Write feedback while the tests are running and write stack traces for all failed tests after all tests complete. This is similar to main(String[]), but intended to be used programmatically.
        classes - Classes in which to find tests
        a Result describing the details of the test run and the failed tests.
      • runClasses

        public static Result runClasses​(Computer computer,
                                        Class<?>... classes)
        Run the tests contained in classes. Write feedback while the tests are running and write stack traces for all failed tests after all tests complete. This is similar to main(String[]), but intended to be used programmatically.
        computer - Helps construct Runners from classes
        classes - Classes in which to find tests
        a Result describing the details of the test run and the failed tests.
      • run

        public Result run​(Class<?>... classes)
        Run all the tests in classes.
        classes - the classes containing tests
        a Result describing the details of the test run and the failed tests.
      • run

        public Result run​(Computer computer,
                          Class<?>... classes)
        Run all the tests in classes.
        computer - Helps construct Runners from classes
        classes - the classes containing tests
        a Result describing the details of the test run and the failed tests.
      • run

        public Result run​(Request request)
        Run all the tests contained in request.
        request - the request describing tests
        a Result describing the details of the test run and the failed tests.
      • run

        public Result run​(junit.framework.Test test)
        Run all the tests contained in JUnit 3.8.x test. Here for backward compatibility.
        test - the old-style test
        a Result describing the details of the test run and the failed tests.
      • run

        public Result run​(Runner runner)
        Do not use. Testing purposes only.
      • addListener

        public void addListener​(RunListener listener)
        Add a listener to be notified as the tests run.
        listener - the listener to add
      • removeListener

        public void removeListener​(RunListener listener)
        Remove a listener.
        listener - the listener to remove