类 TaskletStep

  • 所有已实现的接口:
    Step, org.springframework.beans.factory.Aware, org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanNameAware, org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean

    public class TaskletStep
    extends AbstractStep
    Simple implementation of executing the step as a call to a Tasklet, possibly repeated, and each call surrounded by a transaction. The structure is therefore that of a loop with transaction boundary inside the loop. The loop is controlled by the step operations ( setStepOperations(RepeatOperations)).

    Clients can use interceptors in the step operations to intercept or listen to the iteration on a step-wide basis, for instance to get a callback when the step is complete. Those that want callbacks at the level of an individual tasks, can specify interceptors for the chunk operations.
    Dave Syer, Lucas Ward, Ben Hale, Robert Kasanicky, Michael Minella, Will Schipp, Mahmoud Ben Hassine
    • 构造器详细资料

    • 方法详细资料

      • afterPropertiesSet

        public void afterPropertiesSet()
                                throws java.lang.Exception
        afterPropertiesSet 在接口中 org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean
        afterPropertiesSet 在类中 AbstractStep
      • setTransactionManager

        public void setTransactionManager​(org.springframework.transaction.PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager)
        Public setter for the PlatformTransactionManager.
        transactionManager - the transaction manager to set
      • setTransactionAttribute

        public void setTransactionAttribute​(org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionAttribute transactionAttribute)
        Public setter for the TransactionAttribute.
        transactionAttribute - the TransactionAttribute to set
      • setChunkListeners

        public void setChunkListeners​(ChunkListener[] listeners)
        Register each of the objects as listeners.
        listeners - an array of listener objects of known types.
      • setStreams

        public void setStreams​(ItemStream[] streams)
        Register each of the streams for callbacks at the appropriate time in the step. The ItemReader and ItemWriter are automatically registered, but it doesn't hurt to also register them here. Injected dependencies of the reader and writer are not automatically registered, so if you implement ItemWriter using delegation to another object which itself is a ItemStream, you need to register the delegate here.
        streams - an array of ItemStream objects.
      • doExecute

        protected void doExecute​(StepExecution stepExecution)
                          throws java.lang.Exception
        Process the step and update its context so that progress can be monitored by the caller. The step is broken down into chunks, each one executing in a transaction. The step and its execution and execution context are all given an up to date BatchStatus, and the JobRepository is used to store the result. Various reporting information are also added to the current context governing the step execution, which would normally be available to the caller through the step's ExecutionContext.
        doExecute 在类中 AbstractStep
        stepExecution - the current step context
        JobInterruptedException - if the step or a chunk is interrupted
        java.lang.RuntimeException - if there is an exception during a chunk execution
        java.lang.Exception - checked exception thrown by implementation
      • createSemaphore

        protected java.util.concurrent.Semaphore createSemaphore()
        Extension point mainly for test purposes so that the behaviour of the lock can be manipulated to simulate various pathologies.
        a semaphore for locking access to the JobRepository
      • close

        protected void close​(ExecutionContext ctx)
                      throws java.lang.Exception
        从类复制的说明: AbstractStep
        Extension point for subclasses to provide callbacks to their collaborators at the end of a step (right at the end of the finally block), to close or release resources. Does nothing by default.
        close 在类中 AbstractStep
        ctx - the ExecutionContext to use
        java.lang.Exception - checked exception thrown by implementation
      • open

        protected void open​(ExecutionContext ctx)
                     throws java.lang.Exception
        从类复制的说明: AbstractStep
        Extension point for subclasses to provide callbacks to their collaborators at the beginning of a step, to open or acquire resources. Does nothing by default.
        open 在类中 AbstractStep
        ctx - the ExecutionContext to use
        java.lang.Exception - checked exception thrown by implementation
      • getTasklet

        public Tasklet getTasklet()
        retrieve the tasklet - helper method for JobOperator
        the Tasklet instance being executed within this step