类 Attribute

  • public class Attribute
    extends Object
    A non standard class, field, method or code attribute.
    Eric Bruneton, Eugene Kuleshov
    • 字段详细资料

      • type

        public final String type
        The type of this attribute.
    • 构造器详细资料

      • Attribute

        protected Attribute​(String type)
        Constructs a new empty attribute.
        type - the type of the attribute.
    • 方法详细资料

      • isUnknown

        public boolean isUnknown()
        Returns true if this type of attribute is unknown. The default implementation of this method always returns true.
        true if this type of attribute is unknown.
      • isCodeAttribute

        public boolean isCodeAttribute()
        Returns true if this type of attribute is a code attribute.
        true if this type of attribute is a code attribute.
      • getLabels

        protected Label[] getLabels()
        Returns the labels corresponding to this attribute.
        the labels corresponding to this attribute, or null if this attribute is not a code attribute that contains labels.
      • read

        protected Attribute read​(ClassReader cr,
                                 int off,
                                 int len,
                                 char[] buf,
                                 int codeOff,
                                 Label[] labels)
        Reads a type attribute. This method must return a newAttribute object, of type type, corresponding to the len bytes starting at the given offset, in the given class reader.
        cr - the class that contains the attribute to be read.
        off - index of the first byte of the attribute's content in cr.b. The 6 attribute header bytes, containing the type and the length of the attribute, are not taken into account here.
        len - the length of the attribute's content.
        buf - buffer to be used to call readUTF8, readClass or readConst.
        codeOff - index of the first byte of code's attribute content in cr.b, or -1 if the attribute to be read is not a code attribute. The 6 attribute header bytes, containing the type and the length of the attribute, are not taken into account here.
        labels - the labels of the method's code, or null if the attribute to be read is not a code attribute.
        a newAttribute object corresponding to the given bytes.
      • write

        protected ByteVector write​(ClassWriter cw,
                                   byte[] code,
                                   int len,
                                   int maxStack,
                                   int maxLocals)
        Returns the byte array form of this attribute.
        cw - the class to which this attribute must be added. This parameter can be used to add to the constant pool of this class the items that corresponds to this attribute.
        code - the bytecode of the method corresponding to this code attribute, or null if this attribute is not a code attributes.
        len - the length of the bytecode of the method corresponding to this code attribute, or null if this attribute is not a code attribute.
        maxStack - the maximum stack size of the method corresponding to this code attribute, or -1 if this attribute is not a code attribute.
        maxLocals - the maximum number of local variables of the method corresponding to this code attribute, or -1 if this attribute is not a code attribute.
        the byte array form of this attribute.