枚举 SqlConfig.TransactionMode

    • 枚举常量详细资料

      • DEFAULT

        public static final SqlConfig.TransactionMode DEFAULT
        Indicates that the default transaction mode should be used.

        The meaning of default depends on the context in which @SqlConfig is declared:

        • If @SqlConfig is declared only locally, the default transaction mode is INFERRED.
        • If @SqlConfig is declared globally, the default transaction mode is INFERRED.
        • If @SqlConfig is declared globally and locally, the default transaction mode for the local declaration is inherited from the global declaration.
      • INFERRED

        public static final SqlConfig.TransactionMode INFERRED
        Indicates that the transaction mode to use when executing SQL scripts should be inferred using the rules listed below. In the context of these rules, the term "available" means that the bean for the data source or transaction manager is either explicitly specified via a corresponding annotation attribute in @SqlConfig or discoverable via conventions. See TestContextTransactionUtils for details on the conventions used to discover such beans in the ApplicationContext.

        Inference Rules

        1. If neither a transaction manager nor a data source is available, an exception will be thrown.
        2. If a transaction manager is not available but a data source is available, SQL scripts will be executed directly against the data source without a transaction.
        3. If a transaction manager is available:
          • If a data source is not available, an attempt will be made to retrieve it from the transaction manager by using reflection to invoke a public method named getDataSource() on the transaction manager. If the attempt fails, an exception will be thrown.
          • Using the resolved transaction manager and data source, SQL scripts will be executed within an existing transaction if present; otherwise, scripts will be executed in a new transaction that will be immediately committed. An existing transaction will typically be managed by the TransactionalTestExecutionListener.
        ISOLATED, TestContextTransactionUtils.retrieveDataSource(org.springframework.test.context.TestContext, java.lang.String), TestContextTransactionUtils.retrieveTransactionManager(org.springframework.test.context.TestContext, java.lang.String)
      • ISOLATED

        public static final SqlConfig.TransactionMode ISOLATED
        Indicates that SQL scripts should always be executed in a new, isolated transaction that will be immediately committed.

        In contrast to INFERRED, this mode requires the presence of a transaction manager and a data source.

    • 方法详细资料

      • values

        public static SqlConfig.TransactionMode[] values()
        按照声明该枚举类型的常量的顺序, 返回 包含这些常量的数组。该方法可用于迭代 常量, 如下所示:
        for (SqlConfig.TransactionMode c : SqlConfig.TransactionMode.values())
      • valueOf

        public static SqlConfig.TransactionMode valueOf​(String name)
        返回带有指定名称的该类型的枚举常量。 字符串必须与用于声明该类型的枚举常量的 标识符完全匹配。(不允许有多余 的空格字符。)
        name - 要返回的枚举常量的名称。
        IllegalArgumentException - 如果该枚举类型没有带有指定名称的常量
        NullPointerException - 如果参数为空值