类 JsonPathResultMatchers

    • 方法详细资料

      • prefix

        public JsonPathResultMatchers prefix​(String prefix)
        Configures the current JsonPathResultMatchers instance to verify that the JSON payload is prepended with the given prefix.

        Use this method if the JSON payloads are prefixed to avoid Cross Site Script Inclusion (XSSI) attacks.

        prefix - the string prefix prepended to the actual JSON payload
      • value

        public <T> ResultMatcher value​(Matcher<T> matcher,
                                       Class<T> targetType)
        An overloaded variant of value(Matcher) that also accepts a target type for the resulting value that the matcher can work reliably against.

        This can be useful for matching numbers reliably — for example, to coerce an integer into a double.

        value(Matcher), value(Object)
      • exists

        public ResultMatcher exists()
        Evaluate the JSON path expression against the response content and assert that a non-null value exists at the given path.

        If the JSON path expression is not definite, this method asserts that the value at the given path is not empty.

      • doesNotExist

        public ResultMatcher doesNotExist()
        Evaluate the JSON path expression against the response content and assert that a value does not exist at the given path.

        If the JSON path expression is not definite, this method asserts that the value at the given path is empty.

      • isString

        public ResultMatcher isString()
        Evaluate the JSON path expression against the response content and assert that the result is a String.
      • isBoolean

        public ResultMatcher isBoolean()
        Evaluate the JSON path expression against the response content and assert that the result is a Boolean.
      • isNumber

        public ResultMatcher isNumber()
        Evaluate the JSON path expression against the response content and assert that the result is a Number.
      • isArray

        public ResultMatcher isArray()
        Evaluate the JSON path expression against the response content and assert that the result is an array.
      • isMap

        public ResultMatcher isMap()
        Evaluate the JSON path expression against the response content and assert that the result is a Map.