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所有类 所有程序包


keepAliveSeconds(int) - 类 中的方法org.springframework.messaging.simp.config.TaskExecutorRegistration
Set the time limit for which threads may remain idle before being terminated.
key() - 注释类型 中的方法org.springframework.cache.annotation.Cacheable
Spring Expression Language (SpEL) expression for computing the key dynamically.
key() - 注释类型 中的方法org.springframework.cache.annotation.CacheEvict
Spring Expression Language (SpEL) expression for computing the key dynamically.
key() - 注释类型 中的方法org.springframework.cache.annotation.CachePut
Spring Expression Language (SpEL) expression for computing the key dynamically.
KEY_ATTRIBUTE - 类 中的静态变量org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.BeanDefinitionParserDelegate
KEY_ELEMENT - 类 中的静态变量org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.BeanDefinitionParserDelegate
KEY_REF_ATTRIBUTE - 类 中的静态变量org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.BeanDefinitionParserDelegate
KEY_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE - 类 中的静态变量org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.BeanDefinitionParserDelegate
keyDeserializerInstance(DeserializationConfig, Annotated, Class<?>) - 类 中的方法org.springframework.http.converter.json.SpringHandlerInstantiator
KeyFactory - org.springframework.cglib.core中的类
Generates classes to handle multi-valued keys, for use in things such as Maps and Sets.
KeyFactory() - 类 的构造器org.springframework.cglib.core.KeyFactory
KeyFactory.Generator - org.springframework.cglib.core中的类
keyGenerator - 类 中的变量org.springframework.cache.annotation.AbstractCachingConfiguration
keyGenerator() - 注释类型 中的方法org.springframework.cache.annotation.Cacheable
The bean name of the custom KeyGenerator to use.
keyGenerator() - 注释类型 中的方法org.springframework.cache.annotation.CacheConfig
The bean name of the default KeyGenerator to use for the class.
keyGenerator() - 注释类型 中的方法org.springframework.cache.annotation.CacheEvict
The bean name of the custom KeyGenerator to use.
keyGenerator() - 注释类型 中的方法org.springframework.cache.annotation.CachePut
The bean name of the custom KeyGenerator to use.
keyGenerator() - 接口 中的方法org.springframework.cache.annotation.CachingConfigurer
Return the key generator bean to use for annotation-driven cache management.
keyGenerator() - 类 中的方法org.springframework.cache.annotation.CachingConfigurerSupport
KeyGenerator - org.springframework.cache.interceptor中的接口
Cache key generator.
KeyHolder - org.springframework.jdbc.support中的接口
Interface for retrieving keys, typically used for auto-generated keys as potentially returned by JDBC insert statements.
KeyNamingStrategy - org.springframework.jmx.export.naming中的类
ObjectNamingStrategy implementation that builds ObjectName instances from the key used in the "beans" map passed to MBeanExporter.
KeyNamingStrategy() - 类 的构造器org.springframework.jmx.export.naming.KeyNamingStrategy
keys - 类 中的变量org.springframework.beans.AbstractNestablePropertyAccessor.PropertyTokenHolder
keySet() - 类 中的方法org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders
keySet() - 类 中的方法org.springframework.messaging.MessageHeaders
keySet() - 类 中的方法org.springframework.messaging.simp.stomp.StompHeaders
keySet() - 类 中的方法org.springframework.util.LinkedCaseInsensitiveMap
keySet() - 类 中的方法org.springframework.util.LinkedMultiValueMap
keySet() - 类 中的方法org.springframework.web.socket.WebSocketHttpHeaders
KILOBYTES - org.springframework.util.unit.DataUnit
Kilobytes, represented by suffix KB.
KotlinDetector - org.springframework.core中的类
A common delegate for detecting Kotlin's presence and for identifying Kotlin types.
KotlinDetector() - 类 的构造器org.springframework.core.KotlinDetector
KotlinReflectionParameterNameDiscoverer - org.springframework.core中的类
ParameterNameDiscoverer implementation which uses Kotlin's reflection facilities for introspecting parameter names.
KotlinReflectionParameterNameDiscoverer() - 类 的构造器org.springframework.core.KotlinReflectionParameterNameDiscoverer
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所有类 所有程序包