类 ConstantDynamic

  • public final class ConstantDynamic
    extends Object
    A constant whose value is computed at runtime, with a bootstrap method.
    Remi Forax
    • 构造器详细资料

      • ConstantDynamic

        public ConstantDynamic​(String name,
                               String descriptor,
                               Handle bootstrapMethod,
                               Object... bootstrapMethodArguments)
        Constructs a new ConstantDynamic.
        name - the constant name (can be arbitrary).
        descriptor - the constant type (must be a field descriptor).
        bootstrapMethod - the bootstrap method to use to compute the constant value at runtime.
        bootstrapMethodArguments - the arguments to pass to the bootstrap method, in order to compute the constant value at runtime.
    • 方法详细资料

      • getName

        public String getName()
        Returns the name of this constant.
        the name of this constant.
      • getDescriptor

        public String getDescriptor()
        Returns the type of this constant.
        the type of this constant, as a field descriptor.
      • getBootstrapMethod

        public Handle getBootstrapMethod()
        Returns the bootstrap method used to compute the value of this constant.
        the bootstrap method used to compute the value of this constant.
      • getBootstrapMethodArgumentCount

        public int getBootstrapMethodArgumentCount()
        Returns the number of arguments passed to the bootstrap method, in order to compute the value of this constant.
        the number of arguments passed to the bootstrap method, in order to compute the value of this constant.
      • getBootstrapMethodArgument

        public Object getBootstrapMethodArgument​(int index)
        Returns an argument passed to the bootstrap method, in order to compute the value of this constant.
        index - an argument index, between 0 and getBootstrapMethodArgumentCount() (exclusive).
        the argument passed to the bootstrap method, with the given index.
      • getSize

        public int getSize()
        Returns the size of this constant.
        the size of this constant, i.e., 2 for long and double, 1 otherwise.