类 ChannelSendOperator<T>

  • 类型参数:
    T - the type of element signaled
    org.reactivestreams.Publisher<Void>, reactor.core.CorePublisher<Void>, reactor.core.Scannable

    public class ChannelSendOperator<T>
    extends reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Void>
    implements reactor.core.Scannable
    Given a write function that accepts a source Publisher<T> to write with and returns Publisher<Void> for the result, this operator helps to defer the invocation of the write function, until we know if the source publisher will begin publishing without an error. If the first emission is an error, the write function is bypassed, and the error is sent directly through the result publisher. Otherwise the write function is invoked.
    Rossen Stoyanchev, Stephane Maldini
    • 嵌套类概要

      • 从接口继承的嵌套类/接口 reactor.core.Scannable

        reactor.core.Scannable.Attr<T extends Object>
    • 字段概要

      • 从接口继承的字段 reactor.core.Scannable

    • 构造器概要

      ChannelSendOperator​(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<? extends T> source, Function<org.reactivestreams.Publisher<T>,​org.reactivestreams.Publisher<Void>> writeFunction) 
    • 方法概要

      所有方法 实例方法 具体方法 
      ObjectscanUnsafe​(reactor.core.Scannable.Attr key) 
      voidsubscribe​(reactor.core.CoreSubscriber<? super Void> actual) 
      • 从类继承的方法 reactor.core.publisher.Mono

        and, as, block, block, blockOptional, blockOptional, cache, cache, cache, cache, cancelOn, cast, checkpoint, checkpoint, checkpoint, compose, concatWith, create, defaultIfEmpty, defer, deferWithContext, delay, delay, delayElement, delayElement, delaySubscription, delaySubscription, delaySubscription, delayUntil, dematerialize, doAfterSuccessOrError, doAfterTerminate, doFinally, doFirst, doOnCancel, doOnDiscard, doOnEach, doOnError, doOnError, doOnError, doOnNext, doOnRequest, doOnSubscribe, doOnSuccess, doOnSuccessOrError, doOnTerminate, elapsed, elapsed, empty, error, error, expand, expand, expandDeep, expandDeep, filter, filterWhen, first, first, flatMap, flatMapIterable, flatMapMany, flatMapMany, flux, from, fromCallable, fromCompletionStage, fromCompletionStage, fromDirect, fromFuture, fromFuture, fromRunnable, fromSupplier, handle, hasElement, hide, ignoreElement, ignoreElements, just, justOrEmpty, justOrEmpty, log, log, log, log, log, log, map, materialize, mergeWith, metrics, name, never, ofType, onAssembly, onErrorContinue, onErrorContinue, onErrorContinue, onErrorMap, onErrorMap, onErrorMap, onErrorResume, onErrorResume, onErrorResume, onErrorReturn, onErrorReturn, onErrorReturn, onErrorStop, onLastAssembly, onTerminateDetach, or, publish, publishOn, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeatWhen, repeatWhenEmpty, repeatWhenEmpty, retry, retry, retry, retry, retryBackoff, retryBackoff, retryBackoff, retryBackoff, retryBackoff, retryWhen, retryWhen, sequenceEqual, sequenceEqual, sequenceEqual, single, subscribe, subscribe, subscribe, subscribe, subscribe, subscribe, subscribe, subscribeOn, subscriberContext, subscriberContext, subscriberContext, subscribeWith, switchIfEmpty, tag, take, take, takeUntilOther, then, then, thenEmpty, thenMany, thenReturn, timeout, timeout, timeout, timeout, timeout, timeout, timestamp, timestamp, toFuture, toProcessor, toString, transform, transformDeferred, using, using, usingWhen, usingWhen, usingWhen, usingWhen, when, when, whenDelayError, whenDelayError, zip, zip, zip, zip, zip, zip, zip, zip, zip, zip, zipDelayError, zipDelayError, zipDelayError, zipDelayError, zipDelayError, zipDelayError, zipDelayError, zipDelayError, zipDelayError, zipWhen, zipWhen, zipWith, zipWith
      • 从接口继承的方法 reactor.core.Scannable

        actuals, inners, isScanAvailable, name, parents, scan, scanOrDefault, stepName, steps, tags
    • 构造器详细资料

      • ChannelSendOperator

        public ChannelSendOperator​(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<? extends T> source,
                                   Function<org.reactivestreams.Publisher<T>,​org.reactivestreams.Publisher<Void>> writeFunction)
    • 方法详细资料

      • scanUnsafe

        public Object scanUnsafe​(reactor.core.Scannable.Attr key)
        scanUnsafe 在接口中 reactor.core.Scannable
      • subscribe

        public void subscribe​(reactor.core.CoreSubscriber<? super Void> actual)
        subscribe 在接口中 reactor.core.CorePublisher<T>
        subscribe 在类中 reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Void>