类 UpdatableSqlQuery<T>

  • 类型参数:
    T - the result type

    public abstract class UpdatableSqlQuery<T>
    extends SqlQuery<T>
    Reusable RDBMS query in which concrete subclasses must implement the abstract updateRow(ResultSet, int, context) method to update each row of the JDBC ResultSet and optionally map contents into an object.

    Subclasses can be constructed providing SQL, parameter types and a DataSource. SQL will often vary between subclasses.

    Thomas Risberg
    • 构造器详细资料

      • UpdatableSqlQuery

        public UpdatableSqlQuery​(DataSource ds,
                                 String sql)
        Convenient constructor with DataSource and SQL string.
        ds - the DataSource to use to get connections
        sql - the SQL to run
    • 方法详细资料

      • newRowMapper

        protected RowMapper<TnewRowMapper​(@Nullable
                                            Object[] parameters,
                                            Map<?,​?> context)
        Implementation of the superclass template method. This invokes the subclass's implementation of the updateRow() method.
        newRowMapper 在类中 SqlQuery<T>
        parameters - the parameters to the execute() method, in case subclass is interested; may be null if there were no parameters.
        context - the contextual information passed to the mapRow callback method. The JDBC operation itself doesn't rely on this parameter, but it can be useful for creating the objects of the result list.
        SqlQuery.execute(java.lang.Object[], java.util.Map<?, ?>)
      • updateRow

        protected abstract T updateRow​(ResultSet rs,
                                       int rowNum,
                                       Map<?,​?> context)
                                throws SQLException
        Subclasses must implement this method to update each row of the ResultSet and optionally create object of the result type.
        rs - the ResultSet we're working through
        rowNum - row number (from 0) we're up to
        context - passed to the execute() method. It can be null if no contextual information is need. If you need to pass in data for each row, you can pass in a HashMap with the primary key of the row being the key for the HashMap. That way it is easy to locate the updates for each row
        an object of the result type
        SQLException - if there's an error updateing data. Subclasses can simply not catch SQLExceptions, relying on the framework to clean up.