angular / 9.1.12 / api / platform-webworker.html /


package deprecated

Deprecated This package is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Angular. See Angular deprecations policy.

Entry points



Deprecated: all exports of this entry point are deprecated.

Deprecated This package is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Angular. See Angular deprecations policy.

Primary entry point exports

Deprecated: all exports of this entry point are deprecated.



Deprecated: platform-webworker is deprecated in Angular and will be removed in a future version of Angular

The ng module for the worker app side.



Deprecated: platform-webworker is deprecated in Angular and will be removed in a future version of Angular


Deprecated: platform-webworker is deprecated in Angular and will be removed in a future version of Angular

Message Bus is a low level API used to communicate between the UI and the background. Communication is based on a channel abstraction. Messages published in a given channel to one MessageBusSink are received on the same channel by the corresponding MessageBusSource.


Deprecated: platform-webworker is deprecated in Angular and will be removed in a future version of Angular



Deprecated: platform-webworker is deprecated in Angular and will be removed in a future version of Angular

Bootstraps the worker ui.



Deprecated: platform-webworker is deprecated in Angular and will be removed in a future version of Angular


Deprecated: platform-webworker is deprecated in Angular and will be removed in a future version of Angular


Deprecated: platform-webworker is deprecated in Angular and will be removed in a future version of Angular


Deprecated: platform-webworker is deprecated in Angular and will be removed in a future version of Angular


Deprecated: platform-webworker is deprecated in Angular and will be removed in a future version of Angular


Deprecated: platform-webworker is deprecated in Angular and will be removed in a future version of Angular


Deprecated: platform-webworker is deprecated in Angular and will be removed in a future version of Angular

Helper class for UIComponents that allows components to register methods. If a registered method message is received from the broker on the worker, the UIMessageBroker deserializes its arguments and calls the registered method. If that method returns a promise, the UIMessageBroker returns the result to the worker.


Deprecated: platform-webworker is deprecated in Angular and will be removed in a future version of Angular



Deprecated: platform-webworker is deprecated in Angular and will be removed in a future version of Angular

The PlatformLocation providers that should be added when the Location is used in a worker context.


Deprecated: platform-webworker is deprecated in Angular and will be removed in a future version of Angular

A list of Providers. To use the router in a Worker enabled application you must include these providers when setting up the render thread.


Deprecated: platform-webworker is deprecated in Angular and will be removed in a future version of Angular


Deprecated: platform-webworker is deprecated in Angular and will be removed in a future version of Angular

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