class DrupalDefaultEntityController

Default implementation of DrupalEntityControllerInterface.

This class can be used as-is by most simple entity types. Entity types requiring special handling can extend the class.


Expanded class hierarchy of DrupalDefaultEntityController


includes/, line 48


Name Modifiers Type Description
DrupalDefaultEntityController::$cache protected property Whether this entity type should use the static cache.
DrupalDefaultEntityController::$entityCache protected property Static cache of entities, keyed by entity ID.
DrupalDefaultEntityController::$entityInfo protected property Array of information about the entity.
DrupalDefaultEntityController::$entityType protected property Entity type for this controller instance.
DrupalDefaultEntityController::$hookLoadArguments protected property Additional arguments to pass to hook_TYPE_load().
DrupalDefaultEntityController::$idKey protected property Name of the entity's ID field in the entity database table.
DrupalDefaultEntityController::$revisionKey protected property Name of entity's revision database table field, if it supports revisions.
DrupalDefaultEntityController::$revisionTable protected property The table that stores revisions, if the entity supports revisions.
DrupalDefaultEntityController::attachLoad protected function Attaches data to entities upon loading.
DrupalDefaultEntityController::buildQuery protected function Builds the query to load the entity.
DrupalDefaultEntityController::cacheGet protected function Gets entities from the static cache.
DrupalDefaultEntityController::cacheSet protected function Stores entities in the static entity cache.
DrupalDefaultEntityController::cleanIds protected function Ensures integer entity IDs are valid.
DrupalDefaultEntityController::filterId protected function Callback for array_filter that removes non-integer IDs.
DrupalDefaultEntityController::load public function Implements DrupalEntityControllerInterface::load(). Overrides DrupalEntityControllerInterface::load
DrupalDefaultEntityController::resetCache public function Implements DrupalEntityControllerInterface::resetCache(). Overrides DrupalEntityControllerInterface::resetCache
DrupalDefaultEntityController::__construct public function Constructor: sets basic variables.

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