elixir / 1.15 / mapset.html


Functions that work on sets.

A set is a data structure that can contain unique elements of any kind, without any particular order. MapSet is the "go to" set data structure in Elixir.

A set can be constructed using MapSet.new/0:

iex> MapSet.new()

Elements in a set don't have to be of the same type and they can be populated from an enumerable using MapSet.new/1:

iex> MapSet.new([1, :two, {"three"}])
MapSet.new([1, :two, {"three"}])

Elements can be inserted using MapSet.put/2:

iex> MapSet.new([2]) |> MapSet.put(4) |> MapSet.put(0)
MapSet.new([0, 2, 4])

By definition, sets can't contain duplicate elements: when inserting an element in a set where it's already present, the insertion is simply a no-op.

iex> map_set = MapSet.new()
iex> MapSet.put(map_set, "foo")
iex> map_set |> MapSet.put("foo") |> MapSet.put("foo")

A MapSet is represented internally using the %MapSet{} struct. This struct can be used whenever there's a need to pattern match on something being a MapSet:

iex> match?(%MapSet{}, MapSet.new())

Note that, however, the struct fields are private and must not be accessed directly; use the functions in this module to perform operations on sets.

MapSets can also be constructed starting from other collection-type data structures: for example, see MapSet.new/1 or Enum.into/2.

MapSet is built on top of Erlang's :sets (version 2). This means that they share many properties, including logarithmic time complexity. Erlang :sets (version 2) are implemented on top of maps, so see the documentation for Map for more information on its execution time complexity.




delete(map_set, value)

Deletes value from map_set.

difference(map_set1, map_set2)

Returns a set that is map_set1 without the members of map_set2.

disjoint?(map_set1, map_set2)

Checks if map_set1 and map_set2 have no members in common.

equal?(map_set1, map_set2)

Checks if two sets are equal.

filter(map_set, fun)

Filters the set by returning only the elements from map_set for which invoking fun returns a truthy value.

intersection(map_set1, map_set2)

Returns a set containing only members that map_set1 and map_set2 have in common.

member?(map_set, value)

Checks if map_set contains value.


Returns a new set.


Creates a set from an enumerable.

new(enumerable, transform)

Creates a set from an enumerable via the transformation function.

put(map_set, value)

Inserts value into map_set if map_set doesn't already contain it.

reject(map_set, fun)

Returns a set by excluding the elements from map_set for which invoking fun returns a truthy value.


Returns the number of elements in map_set.

split_with(map_set, fun)

Splits the map_set into two MapSets according to the given function fun.

subset?(map_set1, map_set2)

Checks if map_set1's members are all contained in map_set2.

symmetric_difference(map_set1, map_set2)

Returns a set with elements that are present in only one but not both sets.


Converts map_set to a list.

union(map_set1, map_set2)

Returns a set containing all members of map_set1 and map_set2.


@opaque internal(value)


@type t() :: t(term())


@type t(value) :: %MapSet{map: internal(value)}


@type value() :: term()

delete(map_set, value)Source

@spec delete(t(val1), val2) :: t(val1) when val1: value(), val2: value()

Deletes value from map_set.

Returns a new set which is a copy of map_set but without value.


iex> map_set = MapSet.new([1, 2, 3])
iex> MapSet.delete(map_set, 4)
MapSet.new([1, 2, 3])
iex> MapSet.delete(map_set, 2)
MapSet.new([1, 3])

difference(map_set1, map_set2)Source

@spec difference(t(val1), t(val2)) :: t(val1) when val1: value(), val2: value()

Returns a set that is map_set1 without the members of map_set2.


iex> MapSet.difference(MapSet.new([1, 2]), MapSet.new([2, 3, 4]))

disjoint?(map_set1, map_set2)Source

@spec disjoint?(t(), t()) :: boolean()

Checks if map_set1 and map_set2 have no members in common.


iex> MapSet.disjoint?(MapSet.new([1, 2]), MapSet.new([3, 4]))
iex> MapSet.disjoint?(MapSet.new([1, 2]), MapSet.new([2, 3]))

equal?(map_set1, map_set2)Source

@spec equal?(t(), t()) :: boolean()

Checks if two sets are equal.

The comparison between elements is done using ===/2, which a set with 1 is not equivalent to a set with 1.0.


iex> MapSet.equal?(MapSet.new([1, 2]), MapSet.new([2, 1, 1]))
iex> MapSet.equal?(MapSet.new([1, 2]), MapSet.new([3, 4]))
iex> MapSet.equal?(MapSet.new([1]), MapSet.new([1.0]))

filter(map_set, fun)Source

@spec filter(t(a), (a -> as_boolean(term()))) :: t(a) when a: value()

Filters the set by returning only the elements from map_set for which invoking fun returns a truthy value.

Also see reject/2 which discards all elements where the function returns a truthy value.

Performance considerations

If you find yourself doing multiple calls to MapSet.filter/2 and MapSet.reject/2 in a pipeline, it is likely more efficient to use Enum.map/2 and Enum.filter/2 instead and convert to a map at the end using MapSet.new/1.


iex> MapSet.filter(MapSet.new(1..5), fn x -> x > 3 end)
MapSet.new([4, 5])

iex> MapSet.filter(MapSet.new(["a", :b, "c"]), &is_atom/1)

intersection(map_set1, map_set2)Source

@spec intersection(t(val), t(val)) :: t(val) when val: value()

Returns a set containing only members that map_set1 and map_set2 have in common.


iex> MapSet.intersection(MapSet.new([1, 2]), MapSet.new([2, 3, 4]))

iex> MapSet.intersection(MapSet.new([1, 2]), MapSet.new([3, 4]))

member?(map_set, value)Source

@spec member?(t(), value()) :: boolean()

Checks if map_set contains value.


iex> MapSet.member?(MapSet.new([1, 2, 3]), 2)
iex> MapSet.member?(MapSet.new([1, 2, 3]), 4)


@spec new() :: t()

Returns a new set.


iex> MapSet.new()


@spec new(Enumerable.t()) :: t()

Creates a set from an enumerable.


iex> MapSet.new([:b, :a, 3])
MapSet.new([3, :a, :b])
iex> MapSet.new([3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1])
MapSet.new([1, 2, 3])

new(enumerable, transform)Source

@spec new(Enumerable.t(), (term() -> val)) :: t(val) when val: value()

Creates a set from an enumerable via the transformation function.


iex> MapSet.new([1, 2, 1], fn x -> 2 * x end)
MapSet.new([2, 4])

put(map_set, value)Source

@spec put(t(val), new_val) :: t(val | new_val) when val: value(), new_val: value()

Inserts value into map_set if map_set doesn't already contain it.


iex> MapSet.put(MapSet.new([1, 2, 3]), 3)
MapSet.new([1, 2, 3])
iex> MapSet.put(MapSet.new([1, 2, 3]), 4)
MapSet.new([1, 2, 3, 4])

reject(map_set, fun)Source

@spec reject(t(a), (a -> as_boolean(term()))) :: t(a) when a: value()

Returns a set by excluding the elements from map_set for which invoking fun returns a truthy value.

See also filter/2.


iex> MapSet.reject(MapSet.new(1..5), fn x -> rem(x, 2) != 0 end)
MapSet.new([2, 4])

iex> MapSet.reject(MapSet.new(["a", :b, "c"]), &is_atom/1)
MapSet.new(["a", "c"])


@spec size(t()) :: non_neg_integer()

Returns the number of elements in map_set.


iex> MapSet.size(MapSet.new([1, 2, 3]))

split_with(map_set, fun)Source

@spec split_with(t(), (any() -> as_boolean(term()))) :: {t(), t()}

Splits the map_set into two MapSets according to the given function fun.

fun receives each element in the map_set as its only argument. Returns a tuple with the first MapSet containing all the elements in map_set for which applying fun returned a truthy value, and a second MapSet with all the elements for which applying fun returned a falsy value (false or nil).


iex> {while_true, while_false} = MapSet.split_with(MapSet.new([1, 2, 3, 4]), fn v -> rem(v, 2) == 0 end)
iex> while_true
MapSet.new([2, 4])
iex> while_false
MapSet.new([1, 3])

iex> {while_true, while_false} = MapSet.split_with(MapSet.new(), fn {_k, v} -> v > 50 end)
iex> while_true
iex> while_false

subset?(map_set1, map_set2)Source

@spec subset?(t(), t()) :: boolean()

Checks if map_set1's members are all contained in map_set2.

This function checks if map_set1 is a subset of map_set2.


iex> MapSet.subset?(MapSet.new([1, 2]), MapSet.new([1, 2, 3]))
iex> MapSet.subset?(MapSet.new([1, 2, 3]), MapSet.new([1, 2]))

symmetric_difference(map_set1, map_set2)Source

@spec symmetric_difference(t(val1), t(val2)) :: t(val1 | val2)
when val1: value(), val2: value()

Returns a set with elements that are present in only one but not both sets.


iex> MapSet.symmetric_difference(MapSet.new([1, 2, 3]), MapSet.new([2, 3, 4]))
MapSet.new([1, 4])


@spec to_list(t(val)) :: [val] when val: value()

Converts map_set to a list.


iex> MapSet.to_list(MapSet.new([1, 2, 3]))
[1, 2, 3]

union(map_set1, map_set2)Source

@spec union(t(val1), t(val2)) :: t(val1 | val2) when val1: value(), val2: value()

Returns a set containing all members of map_set1 and map_set2.


iex> MapSet.union(MapSet.new([1, 2]), MapSet.new([2, 3, 4]))
MapSet.new([1, 2, 3, 4])

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