rails / 4.1.16 / actioncontroller / parameters.html /

class ActionController::Parameters


Action Controller Parameters

Allows to choose which attributes should be whitelisted for mass updating and thus prevent accidentally exposing that which shouldn’t be exposed. Provides two methods for this purpose: require and permit. The former is used to mark parameters as required. The latter is used to set the parameter as permitted and limit which attributes should be allowed for mass updating.

params = ActionController::Parameters.new({
  person: {
    name: 'Francesco',
    age:  22,
    role: 'admin'

permitted = params.require(:person).permit(:name, :age)
permitted            # => {"name"=>"Francesco", "age"=>22}
permitted.class      # => ActionController::Parameters
permitted.permitted? # => true

# => #<Person id: 1, name: "Francesco", age: 22, role: "user">

It provides two options that controls the top-level behavior of new instances:

  • permit_all_parameters - If it's true, all the parameters will be permitted by default. The default is false.

  • action_on_unpermitted_parameters - Allow to control the behavior when parameters that are not explicitly permitted are found. The values can be :log to write a message on the logger or :raise to raise ActionController::UnpermittedParameters exception. The default value is :log in test and development environments, false otherwise.


params = ActionController::Parameters.new
params.permitted? # => false

ActionController::Parameters.permit_all_parameters = true

params = ActionController::Parameters.new
params.permitted? # => true

params = ActionController::Parameters.new(a: "123", b: "456")
# => {}

ActionController::Parameters.action_on_unpermitted_parameters = :raise

params = ActionController::Parameters.new(a: "123", b: "456")
# => ActionController::UnpermittedParameters: found unpermitted keys: a, b

ActionController::Parameters is inherited from ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess, this means that you can fetch values using either :key or "key".

params = ActionController::Parameters.new(key: 'value')
params[:key]  # => "value"
params["key"] # => "value"



Never raise an UnpermittedParameters exception because of these params are present. They are added by Rails and it's of no concern.


This is a white list of permitted scalar types that includes the ones supported in XML and JSON requests.

This list is in particular used to filter ordinary requests, String goes as first element to quickly short-circuit the common case.

If you modify this collection please update the API of permit above.

Public Class Methods

new (attributes = nil) Show source

Returns a new instance of ActionController::Parameters. Also, sets the permitted attribute to the default value of ActionController::Parameters.permit_all_parameters.

class Person < ActiveRecord::Base

params = ActionController::Parameters.new(name: 'Francesco')
params.permitted?  # => false
Person.new(params) # => ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesError

ActionController::Parameters.permit_all_parameters = true

params = ActionController::Parameters.new(name: 'Francesco')
params.permitted?  # => true
Person.new(params) # => #<Person id: nil, name: "Francesco">
# File actionpack/lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb, line 124
def initialize(attributes = nil)
  @permitted = self.class.permit_all_parameters

Public Instance Methods

[] (key) Show source

Returns a parameter for the given key. If not found, returns nil.

params = ActionController::Parameters.new(person: { name: 'Francesco' })
params[:person] # => {"name"=>"Francesco"}
params[:none]   # => nil
# File actionpack/lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb, line 286
def [](key)
  convert_hashes_to_parameters(key, super)
converted_arrays () Show source

Attribute that keeps track of converted arrays, if any, to avoid double looping in the common use case permit + mass-assignment. Defined in a method to instantiate it only if needed.

# File actionpack/lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb, line 132
def converted_arrays
  @converted_arrays ||= Set.new
dup () Show source

Returns an exact copy of the ActionController::Parameters instance. permitted state is kept on the duped object.

params = ActionController::Parameters.new(a: 1)
params.permitted?        # => true
copy_params = params.dup # => {"a"=>1}
copy_params.permitted?   # => true
# File actionpack/lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb, line 328
def dup
  super.tap do |duplicate|
    duplicate.permitted = @permitted
fetch (key, *args) Show source

Returns a parameter for the given key. If the key can't be found, there are several options: With no other arguments, it will raise an ActionController::ParameterMissing error; if more arguments are given, then that will be returned; if a block is given, then that will be run and its result returned.

params = ActionController::Parameters.new(person: { name: 'Francesco' })
params.fetch(:person)               # => {"name"=>"Francesco"}
params.fetch(:none)                 # => ActionController::ParameterMissing: param not found: none
params.fetch(:none, 'Francesco')    # => "Francesco"
params.fetch(:none) { 'Francesco' } # => "Francesco"
# File actionpack/lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb, line 301
def fetch(key, *args)
  convert_hashes_to_parameters(key, super, false)
rescue KeyError
  raise ActionController::ParameterMissing.new(key)
permit (*filters) Show source

Returns a new ActionController::Parameters instance that includes only the given filters and sets the permitted attribute for the object to true. This is useful for limiting which attributes should be allowed for mass updating.

params = ActionController::Parameters.new(user: { name: 'Francesco', age: 22, role: 'admin' })
permitted = params.require(:user).permit(:name, :age)
permitted.permitted?      # => true
permitted.has_key?(:name) # => true
permitted.has_key?(:age)  # => true
permitted.has_key?(:role) # => false

Only permitted scalars pass the filter. For example, given


:name passes it is a key of params whose associated value is of type String, Symbol, NilClass, Numeric, TrueClass, FalseClass, Date, Time, DateTime, StringIO, IO, ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile or Rack::Test::UploadedFile. Otherwise, the key :name is filtered out.

You may declare that the parameter should be an array of permitted scalars by mapping it to an empty array:

params = ActionController::Parameters.new(tags: ['rails', 'parameters'])
params.permit(tags: [])

You can also use permit on nested parameters, like:

params = ActionController::Parameters.new({
  person: {
    name: 'Francesco',
    age:  22,
    pets: [{
      name: 'Purplish',
      category: 'dogs'

permitted = params.permit(person: [ :name, { pets: :name } ])
permitted.permitted?                    # => true
permitted[:person][:name]               # => "Francesco"
permitted[:person][:age]                # => nil
permitted[:person][:pets][0][:name]     # => "Purplish"
permitted[:person][:pets][0][:category] # => nil

Note that if you use permit in a key that points to a hash, it won't allow all the hash. You also need to specify which attributes inside the hash should be whitelisted.

params = ActionController::Parameters.new({
  person: {
    contact: {
      email: '[email protected]',
      phone: '555-1234'

# => {}

params.require(:person).permit(contact: :phone)
# => {"contact"=>{"phone"=>"555-1234"}}

params.require(:person).permit(contact: [ :email, :phone ])
# => {"contact"=>{"email"=>"[email protected]", "phone"=>"555-1234"}}
# File actionpack/lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb, line 263
def permit(*filters)
  params = self.class.new

  filters.flatten.each do |filter|
    case filter
    when Symbol, String
      permitted_scalar_filter(params, filter)
    when Hash then
      hash_filter(params, filter)

  unpermitted_parameters!(params) if self.class.action_on_unpermitted_parameters

permit! () Show source

Sets the permitted attribute to true. This can be used to pass mass assignment. Returns self.

class Person < ActiveRecord::Base

params = ActionController::Parameters.new(name: 'Francesco')
params.permitted?  # => false
Person.new(params) # => ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesError
params.permitted?  # => true
Person.new(params) # => #<Person id: nil, name: "Francesco">
# File actionpack/lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb, line 158
def permit!
  each_pair do |key, value|
    value = convert_hashes_to_parameters(key, value)
    Array.wrap(value).each do |_|
      _.permit! if _.respond_to? :permit!

  @permitted = true
permitted? () Show source

Returns true if the parameter is permitted, false otherwise.

params = ActionController::Parameters.new
params.permitted? # => false
params.permitted? # => true
# File actionpack/lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb, line 142
def permitted?
require (key) Show source

Ensures that a parameter is present. If it's present, returns the parameter at the given key, otherwise raises an ActionController::ParameterMissing error.

ActionController::Parameters.new(person: { name: 'Francesco' }).require(:person)
# => {"name"=>"Francesco"}

ActionController::Parameters.new(person: nil).require(:person)
# => ActionController::ParameterMissing: param not found: person

ActionController::Parameters.new(person: {}).require(:person)
# => ActionController::ParameterMissing: param not found: person
# File actionpack/lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb, line 182
def require(key)
  value = self[key]
  if value.present? || value == false
    raise ParameterMissing.new(key)
Also aliased as: required
required (key)

Alias of require.

Alias for: require
slice (*keys) Show source

Returns a new ActionController::Parameters instance that includes only the given keys. If the given keys don't exist, returns an empty hash.

params = ActionController::Parameters.new(a: 1, b: 2, c: 3)
params.slice(:a, :b) # => {"a"=>1, "b"=>2}
params.slice(:d)     # => {}
Calls superclass method Hash#slice
# File actionpack/lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb, line 314
def slice(*keys)
  self.class.new(super).tap do |new_instance|
    new_instance.permitted = @permitted

Protected Instance Methods

permitted= (new_permitted) Show source
# File actionpack/lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb, line 335
def permitted=(new_permitted)
  @permitted = new_permitted

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