rails / 6.1.1 / activesupport / deprecation / deprecatedobjectproxy.html /

class ActiveSupport::Deprecation::DeprecatedObjectProxy


DeprecatedObjectProxy transforms an object into a deprecated one. It takes an object, a deprecation message and optionally a deprecator. The deprecator defaults to ActiveSupport::Deprecator if none is specified.

deprecated_object = ActiveSupport::Deprecation::DeprecatedObjectProxy.new(Object.new, "This object is now deprecated")
# => #<Object:0x007fb9b34c34b0>

DEPRECATION WARNING: This object is now deprecated.
# => "#<Object:0x007fb9b34c34b0>"

Public Class Methods

new (object, message, deprecator = ActiveSupport::Deprecation.instance) Show source
# File activesupport/lib/active_support/deprecation/proxy_wrappers.rb, line 40
def initialize(object, message, deprecator = ActiveSupport::Deprecation.instance)
  @object = object
  @message = message
  @deprecator = deprecator

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