sequelize / 5 / class / lib / associations / has-many.js~hasmany.html



Association → HasMany

One-to-many association

In the API reference below, add the name of the association to the method, e.g. for User.hasMany(Project) the getter will be user.getProjects(). If the association is aliased, use the alias instead, e.g. User.hasMany(Project, { as: 'jobs' }) will be user.getJobs().

Method Summary

Public Methods

add(sourceInstance: Model, targetInstances: Model | Model[] | string[] | string | number[] | number, options: Object): Promise

Associate one or more target rows with this.


count(instance: Model, options: Object): Promise<number>

Count everything currently associated with this, using an optional where clause.


create(sourceInstance: Model, values: Object, options: Object): Promise

Create a new instance of the associated model and associate it with this.


get(instances: Model | Array<Model>, options: Object): Promise<Array<Model>>

Get everything currently associated with this, using an optional where clause.


has(sourceInstance: Model, targetInstances: Model | Model[] | string[] | string | number[] | number, options: Object): Promise

Check if one or more rows are associated with this.


remove(sourceInstance: Model, targetInstances: Model | Model[] | string | string[] | number | number[], options: Object): Promise

Un-associate one or several target rows.


set(sourceInstance: Model, targetInstances: Model | Model[] | string[] | string | number[] | number, options: Object): Promise

Set the associated models by passing an array of persisted instances or their primary keys.

Inherited Summary

From class Association

The type of the association.


Public Methods

public add(sourceInstance: Model, targetInstances: Model | Model[] | string[] | string | number[] | number, options: Object): Promise source

Associate one or more target rows with this. This method accepts a Model / string / number to associate a single row, or a mixed array of Model / string / numbers to associate multiple rows.


Name Type Attribute Description
sourceInstance Model

the source instance

targetInstances Model | Model[] | string[] | string | number[] | number
  • optional

A single instance or primary key, or a mixed array of persisted instances or primary keys

options Object
  • optional

Options passed to target.update.


public count(instance: Model, options: Object): Promise<number> source

Count everything currently associated with this, using an optional where clause.


Name Type Attribute Description
instance Model

the source instance

options Object
  • optional

find & count options

options.where Object
  • optional

An optional where clause to limit the associated models

options.scope string | boolean
  • optional

Apply a scope on the related model, or remove its default scope by passing false


public create(sourceInstance: Model, values: Object, options: Object): Promise source

Create a new instance of the associated model and associate it with this.


Name Type Attribute Description
sourceInstance Model

source instance

values Object
  • optional

values for target model instance

options Object
  • optional

Options passed to target.create


public get(instances: Model | Array<Model>, options: Object): Promise<Array<Model>> source

Get everything currently associated with this, using an optional where clause.


Name Type Attribute Description
instances Model | Array<Model>

source instances

options Object
  • optional

find options

options.where Object
  • optional

An optional where clause to limit the associated models

options.scope string | boolean
  • optional

Apply a scope on the related model, or remove its default scope by passing false

options.schema string
  • optional

Apply a schema on the related model



public has(sourceInstance: Model, targetInstances: Model | Model[] | string[] | string | number[] | number, options: Object): Promise source

Check if one or more rows are associated with this.


Name Type Attribute Description
sourceInstance Model

the source instance

targetInstances Model | Model[] | string[] | string | number[] | number
  • optional

Can be an array of instances or their primary keys

options Object
  • optional

Options passed to getAssociations


public remove(sourceInstance: Model, targetInstances: Model | Model[] | string | string[] | number | number[], options: Object): Promise source

Un-associate one or several target rows.


Name Type Attribute Description
sourceInstance Model

instance to un associate instances with

targetInstances Model | Model[] | string | string[] | number | number[]
  • optional

Can be an Instance or its primary key, or a mixed array of instances and primary keys

options Object
  • optional

Options passed to target.update


public set(sourceInstance: Model, targetInstances: Model | Model[] | string[] | string | number[] | number, options: Object): Promise source

Set the associated models by passing an array of persisted instances or their primary keys. Everything that is not in the passed array will be un-associated


Name Type Attribute Description
sourceInstance Model

source instance to associate new instances with

targetInstances Model | Model[] | string[] | string | number[] | number
  • optional

An array of persisted instances or primary key of instances to associate with this. Pass null or undefined to remove all associations.

options Object
  • optional

Options passed to target.findAll and update.

options.validate Object
  • optional

Run validation for the join model


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Licensed under the MIT License.