sequelize / 5 / class / lib / errors / validation-error.js~validationerroritem.html


Validation Error Item Instances of this class are included in the ValidationError.errors property.

Constructor Summary

Public Constructor

constructor(message: string, type: string, path: string, value: string, inst: Object, validatorKey: Object, fnName: string, fnArgs: string)

Creates new validation error item

Member Summary

Public Members

The DAO instance that caused the validation error


An error message


The field that triggered the validation error


The type/origin of the validation error


Parameters used with the BUILT-IN validator function, if applicable


A validation "key", used for identification


Property name of the BUILT-IN validator function that caused the validation error (e.g.


The value that generated the error

Public Constructors

public constructor(message: string, type: string, path: string, value: string, inst: Object, validatorKey: Object, fnName: string, fnArgs: string) source

Creates new validation error item


Name Type Attribute Description
message string

An error message

type string

The type/origin of the validation error

path string

The field that triggered the validation error

value string

The value that generated the error

inst Object
  • optional

the DAO instance that caused the validation error

validatorKey Object
  • optional

a validation "key", used for identification

fnName string
  • optional

property name of the BUILT-IN validator function that caused the validation error (e.g. "in" or "len"), if applicable

fnArgs string
  • optional

parameters used with the BUILT-IN validator function, if applicable

Public Members

public instance: Model source

The DAO instance that caused the validation error

public message: string source

An error message

public path: string source

The field that triggered the validation error

public type: string source

The type/origin of the validation error

public validatorArgs: string source

Parameters used with the BUILT-IN validator function, if applicable

public validatorKey: string source

A validation "key", used for identification

public validatorName: string source

Property name of the BUILT-IN validator function that caused the validation error (e.g. "in" or "len"), if applicable

public value: string source

The value that generated the error

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