


Removes all users from the database on which you run the command.


The dropAllUsersFromDatabase removes all users from the database.

The dropAllUsersFromDatabase command has the following syntax:

{ dropAllUsersFromDatabase: 1,
  writeConcern: { <write concern> }

The dropAllUsersFromDatabase document has the following fields:

Field Type Description
dropAllUsersFromDatabase integer Specify 1 to drop all the users from the current database.
writeConcern document Optional. The level of write concern for the removal operation. The writeConcern document takes the same fields as the getLastError command.

Required Access

You must have the dropUser action on a database to drop a user from that database.


The following sequence of operations in the mongo shell drops every user from the products database:

use products
db.runCommand( { dropAllUsersFromDatabase: 1, writeConcern: { w: "majority" } } )

The n field in the results document shows the number of users removed:

{ "n" : 12, "ok" : 1 }