

The dropIndexes command drops one or all non-_id indexes from the specified collection.

The command has the following form:

{ dropIndexes: <string>, index: <string|document>, writeConcern: <document>}

The command takes the following fields:

Field Description
dropIndexes The name of the collection whose indexes to drop.

The name or the specification document of the index to drop.

To drop all non-_id indexes from the collection, specify "*".

To drop a text index, specify the index name.

writeConcern Optional. A document expressing the write concern of the drop command. Omit to use the default write concern.

To drop all non-_id indexes , specify "*" for the index (See ref:3.6-index-asterisk).

{ dropIndexes: "collection", index: "*" }

To drop a single index, issue the command by specifying the name of the index you want to drop. For example, to drop the index named age_1, use the following command:

{ dropIndexes: "collection", index: "age_1" }

The shell provides a useful command helper. Here’s the equivalent command:



This command obtains a write lock on the affected database and will block other operations until it has completed.
