Interface RouterFunctions.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • GET

        RouterFunctions.Builder GET​(String pattern,
                                    HandlerFunction<ServerResponse> handlerFunction)
        Adds a route to the given handler function that handles all HTTP GET requests that match the given pattern.
        pattern - the pattern to match to
        handlerFunction - the handler function to handle all GET requests that match pattern
        this builder
      • GET

        RouterFunctions.Builder GET​(String pattern,
                                    RequestPredicate predicate,
                                    HandlerFunction<ServerResponse> handlerFunction)
        Adds a route to the given handler function that handles all HTTP GET requests that match the given pattern and predicate.

        For instance, the following example routes GET requests for "/user" that accept JSON to the listUsers method in userController:

         RouterFunction<ServerResponse> route =
             .GET("/user", RequestPredicates.accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON), userController::listUsers)
        pattern - the pattern to match to
        predicate - additional predicate to match
        handlerFunction - the handler function to handle all GET requests that match pattern
        this builder
        See Also:
      • HEAD

        RouterFunctions.Builder HEAD​(String pattern,
                                     HandlerFunction<ServerResponse> handlerFunction)
        Adds a route to the given handler function that handles all HTTP HEAD requests that match the given pattern.
        pattern - the pattern to match to
        handlerFunction - the handler function to handle all HEAD requests that match pattern
        this builder
      • HEAD

        RouterFunctions.Builder HEAD​(String pattern,
                                     RequestPredicate predicate,
                                     HandlerFunction<ServerResponse> handlerFunction)
        Adds a route to the given handler function that handles all HTTP HEAD requests that match the given pattern and predicate.
        pattern - the pattern to match to
        predicate - additional predicate to match
        handlerFunction - the handler function to handle all HEAD requests that match pattern
        this builder
      • POST

        RouterFunctions.Builder POST​(String pattern,
                                     HandlerFunction<ServerResponse> handlerFunction)
        Adds a route to the given handler function that handles all HTTP POST requests that match the given pattern.
        pattern - the pattern to match to
        handlerFunction - the handler function to handle all POST requests that match pattern
        this builder
      • POST

        RouterFunctions.Builder POST​(String pattern,
                                     RequestPredicate predicate,
                                     HandlerFunction<ServerResponse> handlerFunction)
        Adds a route to the given handler function that handles all HTTP POST requests that match the given pattern and predicate.

        For instance, the following example routes POST requests for "/user" that contain JSON to the addUser method in userController:

         RouterFunction<ServerResponse> route =
             .POST("/user", RequestPredicates.contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON), userController::addUser)
        pattern - the pattern to match to
        predicate - additional predicate to match
        handlerFunction - the handler function to handle all POST requests that match pattern
        this builder
      • PUT

        RouterFunctions.Builder PUT​(String pattern,
                                    HandlerFunction<ServerResponse> handlerFunction)
        Adds a route to the given handler function that handles all HTTP PUT requests that match the given pattern.
        pattern - the pattern to match to
        handlerFunction - the handler function to handle all PUT requests that match pattern
        this builder
      • PUT

        RouterFunctions.Builder PUT​(String pattern,
                                    RequestPredicate predicate,
                                    HandlerFunction<ServerResponse> handlerFunction)
        Adds a route to the given handler function that handles all HTTP PUT requests that match the given pattern and predicate.

        For instance, the following example routes PUT requests for "/user" that contain JSON to the editUser method in userController:

         RouterFunction<ServerResponse> route =
             .PUT("/user", RequestPredicates.contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON), userController::editUser)
        pattern - the pattern to match to
        predicate - additional predicate to match
        handlerFunction - the handler function to handle all PUT requests that match pattern
        this builder
      • PATCH

        RouterFunctions.Builder PATCH​(String pattern,
                                      HandlerFunction<ServerResponse> handlerFunction)
        Adds a route to the given handler function that handles all HTTP PATCH requests that match the given pattern.
        pattern - the pattern to match to
        handlerFunction - the handler function to handle all PATCH requests that match pattern
        this builder
      • PATCH

        RouterFunctions.Builder PATCH​(String pattern,
                                      RequestPredicate predicate,
                                      HandlerFunction<ServerResponse> handlerFunction)
        Adds a route to the given handler function that handles all HTTP PATCH requests that match the given pattern and predicate.

        For instance, the following example routes PATCH requests for "/user" that contain JSON to the editUser method in userController:

         RouterFunction<ServerResponse> route =
             .PATCH("/user", RequestPredicates.contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON), userController::editUser)
        pattern - the pattern to match to
        predicate - additional predicate to match
        handlerFunction - the handler function to handle all PATCH requests that match pattern
        this builder
      • DELETE

        RouterFunctions.Builder DELETE​(String pattern,
                                       HandlerFunction<ServerResponse> handlerFunction)
        Adds a route to the given handler function that handles all HTTP DELETE requests that match the given pattern.
        pattern - the pattern to match to
        handlerFunction - the handler function to handle all DELETE requests that match pattern
        this builder
      • DELETE

        RouterFunctions.Builder DELETE​(String pattern,
                                       RequestPredicate predicate,
                                       HandlerFunction<ServerResponse> handlerFunction)
        Adds a route to the given handler function that handles all HTTP DELETE requests that match the given pattern and predicate.
        pattern - the pattern to match to
        predicate - additional predicate to match
        handlerFunction - the handler function to handle all DELETE requests that match pattern
        this builder
      • OPTIONS

        RouterFunctions.Builder OPTIONS​(String pattern,
                                        HandlerFunction<ServerResponse> handlerFunction)
        Adds a route to the given handler function that handles all HTTP OPTIONS requests that match the given pattern.
        pattern - the pattern to match to
        handlerFunction - the handler function to handle all OPTIONS requests that match pattern
        this builder
      • OPTIONS

        RouterFunctions.Builder OPTIONS​(String pattern,
                                        RequestPredicate predicate,
                                        HandlerFunction<ServerResponse> handlerFunction)
        Adds a route to the given handler function that handles all HTTP OPTIONS requests that match the given pattern and predicate.
        pattern - the pattern to match to
        predicate - additional predicate to match
        handlerFunction - the handler function to handle all OPTIONS requests that match pattern
        this builder
      • add

        RouterFunctions.Builder add​(RouterFunction<ServerResponse> routerFunction)
        Adds the given route to this builder. Can be used to merge externally defined router functions into this builder, or can be combined with RouterFunctions.route(RequestPredicate, HandlerFunction) to allow for more flexible predicate matching.

        For instance, the following example adds the router function returned from OrderController.routerFunction(). to the changeUser method in userController:

         RouterFunction<ServerResponse> route =
             .GET("/users", userController::listUsers)
        routerFunction - the router function to be added
        this builder
        See Also:
      • resources

        RouterFunctions.Builder resources​(String pattern,
                                          Resource location)
        Route requests that match the given pattern to resources relative to the given root location. For instance
         Resource location = new FileSystemResource("public-resources/");
         RouterFunction<ServerResponse> resources = RouterFunctions.resources("/resources/**", location);
        pattern - the pattern to match
        location - the location directory relative to which resources should be resolved
        this builder
      • nest

        RouterFunctions.Builder nest​(RequestPredicate predicate,
                                     Supplier<RouterFunction<ServerResponse>> routerFunctionSupplier)
        Route to the supplied router function if the given request predicate applies. This method can be used to create nested routes, where a group of routes share a common path (prefix), header, or other request predicate.

        For instance, the following example creates a nested route with a "/user" path predicate, so that GET requests for "/user" will list users, and POST request for "/user" will create a new user.

         RouterFunction<ServerResponse> nestedRoute =
             .nest(RequestPredicates.path("/user"), () ->
        predicate - the predicate to test
        routerFunctionSupplier - supplier for the nested router function to delegate to if the predicate applies
        this builder
        See Also:
      • nest

        RouterFunctions.Builder nest​(RequestPredicate predicate,
                                     Consumer<RouterFunctions.Builder> builderConsumer)
        Route to a built router function if the given request predicate applies. This method can be used to create nested routes, where a group of routes share a common path (prefix), header, or other request predicate.

        For instance, the following example creates a nested route with a "/user" path predicate, so that GET requests for "/user" will list users, and POST request for "/user" will create a new user.

         RouterFunction<ServerResponse> nestedRoute =
             .nest(RequestPredicates.path("/user"), builder ->
        predicate - the predicate to test
        builderConsumer - consumer for a Builder that provides the nested router function
        this builder
        See Also:
      • path

        RouterFunctions.Builder path​(String pattern,
                                     Supplier<RouterFunction<ServerResponse>> routerFunctionSupplier)
        Route to the supplied router function if the given path prefix pattern applies. This method can be used to create nested routes, where a group of routes share a common path prefix. Specifically, this method can be used to merge externally defined router functions under a path prefix.

        For instance, the following example creates a nested route with a "/user" path predicate that delegates to the router function defined in userController, and with a "/order" path that delegates to orderController.

         RouterFunction<ServerResponse> nestedRoute =
             .path("/user", userController::routerFunction)
             .path("/order", orderController::routerFunction)
        pattern - the pattern to match to
        routerFunctionSupplier - supplier for the nested router function to delegate to if the pattern matches
        this builder
      • path

        RouterFunctions.Builder path​(String pattern,
                                     Consumer<RouterFunctions.Builder> builderConsumer)
        Route to a built router function if the given path prefix pattern applies. This method can be used to create nested routes, where a group of routes share a common path prefix.

        For instance, the following example creates a nested route with a "/user" path predicate, so that GET requests for "/user" will list users, and POST request for "/user" will create a new user.

         RouterFunction<ServerResponse> nestedRoute =
             .path("/user", builder ->
        pattern - the pattern to match to
        builderConsumer - consumer for a Builder that provides the nested router function
        this builder
      • filter

        RouterFunctions.Builder filter​(HandlerFilterFunction<ServerResponse,​ServerResponse> filterFunction)
        Filters all routes created by this builder with the given filter function. Filter functions are typically used to address cross-cutting concerns, such as logging, security, etc.

        For instance, the following example creates a filter that returns a 401 Unauthorized response if the request does not contain the necessary authentication headers.

         RouterFunction<ServerResponse> filteredRoute =
             .GET("/user", this::listUsers)
             .filter((request, next) -> {
               // check for authentication headers
               if (isAuthenticated(request)) {
                 return next.handle(request);
               else {
                 return ServerResponse.status(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED).build();
        filterFunction - the function to filter all routes built by this builder
        this builder
      • before

        RouterFunctions.Builder before​(Function<ServerRequest,​ServerRequest> requestProcessor)
        Filter the request object for all routes created by this builder with the given request processing function. Filters are typically used to address cross-cutting concerns, such as logging, security, etc.

        For instance, the following example creates a filter that logs the request before the handler function executes.

         RouterFunction<ServerResponse> filteredRoute =
             .GET("/user", this::listUsers)
             .before(request -> {
               return request;
        requestProcessor - a function that transforms the request
        this builder
      • after

        RouterFunctions.Builder after​(BiFunction<ServerRequest,​ServerResponse,​ServerResponse> responseProcessor)
        Filter the response object for all routes created by this builder with the given response processing function. Filters are typically used to address cross-cutting concerns, such as logging, security, etc.

        For instance, the following example creates a filter that logs the response after the handler function executes.

         RouterFunction<ServerResponse> filteredRoute =
             .GET("/user", this::listUsers)
             .after((request, response) -> {
               return response;
        responseProcessor - a function that transforms the response
        this builder
      • onError

        RouterFunctions.Builder onError​(Predicate<Throwable> predicate,
                                        BiFunction<Throwable,​ServerRequest,​ServerResponse> responseProvider)
        Filters all exceptions that match the predicate by applying the given response provider function.

        For instance, the following example creates a filter that returns a 500 response status when an IllegalStateException occurs.

         RouterFunction<ServerResponse> filteredRoute =
             .GET("/user", this::listUsers)
             .onError(e -> e instanceof IllegalStateException,
               (e, request) -> ServerResponse.status(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).build())
        predicate - the type of exception to filter
        responseProvider - a function that creates a response
        this builder
      • onError

        RouterFunctions.Builder onError​(Class<? extends Throwable> exceptionType,
                                        BiFunction<Throwable,​ServerRequest,​ServerResponse> responseProvider)
        Filters all exceptions of the given type by applying the given response provider function.

        For instance, the following example creates a filter that returns a 500 response status when an IllegalStateException occurs.

         RouterFunction<ServerResponse> filteredRoute =
             .GET("/user", this::listUsers)
               (e, request) -> ServerResponse.status(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).build())
        exceptionType - the type of exception to filter
        responseProvider - a function that creates a response
        this builder