为 InnoDB memcached 插件调整现有的 MySQL 模式

在调整现有的 MySQL 模式或应用程序以使用daemon_memcached插件时,请考虑 memcached 应用程序的这些方面:


daemon_memcached插件支持在已将INTEGER定义为主键的 Map 的InnoDBtable 上进行插入和读取。

# Alphabetic entries are returned as zero.

SELECT CAST(c2 as unsigned integer) FROM demo_test;

# Since there could be numeric values of 0, can't disqualify them.
# Test the string values to find the ones that are integers, and average only those.

SELECT AVG(cast(c2 as unsigned integer)) FROM demo_test
  WHERE c2 BETWEEN '0' and '9999999999';

# Views let you hide the complexity of queries. The results are already converted;
# no need to repeat conversion functions and WHERE clauses each time.

  FROM demo_test WHERE c2 BETWEEN '0' and '9999999999';
SELECT SUM(val) FROM numbers;


通过调用CAST(),结果集中的所有字母值都将转换为 0.当使用诸如AVG()之类的函数时,该函数取决于结果集中的行数,请包含WHERE子句以过滤掉非数字值。

有关使用除 sched 义的test.demo_testtable 以外的 table 的示例,请参见示例 14.13“将自己的 table 与 InnoDB memcached 应用程序一起使用”。有关所需的 table 格布局,请参见第 14.21.7 节“ InnoDB memcached 插件内部”

在将字符串传递给 memcached addset调用之前,使用管道字符作为分隔符将列值连接为单个字符串。该字符串将自动解压缩到正确的列中。每个get调用都返回一个包含列值的单个字符串,该列值也由竖线字符分隔。您可以使用适当的应用程序语言语法来解压缩值。

例 14.13 将自己的 table 与 InnoDB 内存缓存应用程序一起使用

此示例说明如何将自己的 table 与使用memcached进行数据操作的示例 Python 应用程序一起使用。

该示例假定按照第 14.21.3 节“设置 InnoDB memcached 插件”的说明安装了daemon_memcached插件。它还假定您的系统配置为运行使用python-memcache模块的 Python 脚本。

mysql> USE test;

mysql> CREATE TABLE `multicol` (
        `country` varchar(128) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
        `population` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
        `area_sq_km` varchar(9) DEFAULT NULL,
        `drive_side` varchar(1) DEFAULT NULL,
        `c3` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
        `c4` bigint(20) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
        `c5` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
        PRIMARY KEY (`country`)
        ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
mysql> INSERT INTO innodb_memcache.containers

mysql> COMMIT;


如果将一个InnoDBtable 用于所有 memcached 应用程序,则可以将name值设置为default,以避免使用@@table 示法切换 table。

示例 Python 应用程序将数据插入multicoltable 中,并检索所有键的数据,演示了如何通过daemon_memcached插件访问InnoDBtable。

import sys, os
import memcache

def connect_to_memcached():
  memc = memcache.Client([''], debug=0);
  print "Connected to memcached."
  return memc

def banner(message):
  print "=" * len(message)
  print message
  print "=" * len(message)

country_data = [

def switch_table(memc,table):
  key = "@@" + table
  print "Switching default table to '" + table + "' by issuing GET for '" + key + "'."
  result = memc.get(key)

def insert_country_data(memc):
  banner("Inserting initial data via memcached interface")
  for item in country_data:
    country = item[0]
    population = item[1]
    area = item[2]
    drive_side = item[3]

    key = country
    value = "|".join([population,area,drive_side])
    print "Key = " + key
    print "Value = " + value

    if memc.add(key,value):
      print "Added new key, value pair."
      print "Updating value for existing key."

def query_country_data(memc):
  banner("Retrieving data for all keys (country names)")
  for item in country_data:
    key = item[0]
    result = memc.get(key)
    print "Here is the result retrieved from the database for key " + key + ":"
    print result
    (m_population, m_area, m_drive_side) = result.split("|")
    print "Unpacked population value: " + m_population
    print "Unpacked area value      : " + m_area
    print "Unpacked drive side value: " + m_drive_side

if __name__ == '__main__':

  memc = connect_to_memcached()


示例 Python 应用程序说明:

在实际应用程序中可能会使用更具描述性的name值。本示例仅说明了在get @@...个请求中指定了 table 标识符而不是 table 名。

shell> python multicol.py


Connected to memcached.
Switching default table to 'bbb' by issuing GET for '@@bbb'.

Inserting initial data via memcached interface
Key = Canada
Value = 34820000|9984670|R
Added new key, value pair.
Key = USA
Value = 314242000|9826675|R
Added new key, value pair.
Key = Ireland
Value = 6399152|84421|L
Added new key, value pair.
Key = UK
Value = 62262000|243610|L
Added new key, value pair.
Key = Mexico
Value = 113910608|1972550|R
Added new key, value pair.
Key = Denmark
Value = 5543453|43094|R
Added new key, value pair.
Key = Norway
Value = 5002942|385252|R
Added new key, value pair.
Key = UAE
Value = 8264070|83600|R
Added new key, value pair.
Key = India
Value = 1210193422|3287263|L
Added new key, value pair.
Key = China
Value = 1347350000|9640821|R
Added new key, value pair.

Retrieving data for all keys (country names)
Here is the result retrieved from the database for key Canada:
Unpacked population value: 34820000
Unpacked area value      : 9984670
Unpacked drive side value: R
Here is the result retrieved from the database for key USA:
Unpacked population value: 314242000
Unpacked area value      : 9826675
Unpacked drive side value: R
Here is the result retrieved from the database for key Ireland:
Unpacked population value: 6399152
Unpacked area value      : 84421
Unpacked drive side value: L
Here is the result retrieved from the database for key UK:
Unpacked population value: 62262000
Unpacked area value      : 243610
Unpacked drive side value: L
Here is the result retrieved from the database for key Mexico:
Unpacked population value: 113910608
Unpacked area value      : 1972550
Unpacked drive side value: R
Here is the result retrieved from the database for key Denmark:
Unpacked population value: 5543453
Unpacked area value      : 43094
Unpacked drive side value: R
Here is the result retrieved from the database for key Norway:
Unpacked population value: 5002942
Unpacked area value      : 385252
Unpacked drive side value: R
Here is the result retrieved from the database for key UAE:
Unpacked population value: 8264070
Unpacked area value      : 83600
Unpacked drive side value: R
Here is the result retrieved from the database for key India:
Unpacked population value: 1210193422
Unpacked area value      : 3287263
Unpacked drive side value: L
Here is the result retrieved from the database for key China:
Unpacked population value: 1347350000
Unpacked area value      : 9640821
Unpacked drive side value: R
mysql> SELECT * FROM innodb_memcache.containers\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
                  name: aaa
             db_schema: test
              db_table: demo_test
           key_columns: c1
         value_columns: c2
                 flags: c3
            cas_column: c4
    expire_time_column: c5
unique_idx_name_on_key: PRIMARY
*************************** 2. row ***************************
                  name: bbb
             db_schema: test
              db_table: multicol
           key_columns: country
         value_columns: population,area_sq_km,drive_side
                 flags: c3
            cas_column: c4
    expire_time_column: c5
unique_idx_name_on_key: PRIMARY
mysql> SELECT * FROM test.multicol;
| country | population | area_sq_km | drive_side | c3   | c4   | c5   |
| Canada  | 34820000   | 9984670    | R          |    0 |   11 |    0 |
| China   | 1347350000 | 9640821    | R          |    0 |   20 |    0 |
| Denmark | 5543453    | 43094      | R          |    0 |   16 |    0 |
| India   | 1210193422 | 3287263    | L          |    0 |   19 |    0 |
| Ireland | 6399152    | 84421      | L          |    0 |   13 |    0 |
| Mexico  | 113910608  | 1972550    | R          |    0 |   15 |    0 |
| Norway  | 5002942    | 385252     | R          |    0 |   17 |    0 |
| UAE     | 8264070    | 83600      | R          |    0 |   18 |    0 |
| UK      | 62262000   | 243610     | L          |    0 |   14 |    0 |
| USA     | 314242000  | 9826675    | R          |    0 |   12 |    0 |



您可以通过 SQL 查询,跨所有列(不仅是country键列)执行计算和测试来生成报告。 (因为以下示例仅使用了少数几个国家/locale 的数据,所以这些数字仅用于说明目的.)以下查询将返回右侧行驶的国家/locale 的平均人口数以及名称以“ U”开头的国家/locale 的平均大小“:

mysql> SELECT AVG(population) FROM multicol WHERE drive_side = 'R';
| avg(population)   |
| 261304724.7142857 |

mysql> SELECT SUM(area_sq_km) FROM multicol WHERE country LIKE 'U%';
| sum(area_sq_km) |
|        10153885 |

因为populationarea_sq_km列存储字符数据而不是强类型数字数据,所以AVG()SUM()之类的功能通过首先将每个值转换为数字来工作。例如,当比较基于字符的值9 > 1000时,这种方法*不适用于<>等运算符,而子句如ORDER BY population DESC则不希望这样。为了获得最准确的类型处理,请对将数字列转换为适当类型的视图执行查询。通过此技术,您可以从数据库应用程序发出简单的SELECT *查询,同时确保正确的转换,筛选和排序。以下示例显示了一个视图,可以查询该视图以按人口降序查找前三个国家,其结果反映了multicoltable 中的最新数据,并且人口和面积数字被视为数字:

mysql> CREATE VIEW populous_countries AS
       cast(population as unsigned integer) population,
       cast(area_sq_km as unsigned integer) area_sq_km,
       drive_side FROM multicol
       ORDER BY CAST(population as unsigned integer) DESC
       LIMIT 3;

mysql> SELECT * FROM populous_countries;
| country | population | area_sq_km | drive_side |
| China   | 1347350000 |    9640821 | R          |
| India   | 1210193422 |    3287263 | L          |
| USA     |  314242000 |    9826675 | R          |

mysql> DESC populous_countries;
| Field      | Type                | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| country    | varchar(128)        | NO   |     |         |       |
| population | bigint(10) unsigned | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| area_sq_km | int(9) unsigned     | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| drive_side | varchar(1)          | YES  |     | NULL    |       |