On this page
Spring Cloud Finchley.SR2 Reference
Table of Contents
- 1. Features
- I. Cloud Native Applications
- 2. Spring Cloud Context: Application Context Services
- 2.1. The Bootstrap Application Context
- 2.2. Application Context Hierarchies
- 2.3. Changing the Location of Bootstrap Properties
- 2.4. Overriding the Values of Remote Properties
- 2.5. Customizing the Bootstrap Configuration
- 2.6. Customizing the Bootstrap Property Sources
- 2.7. Logging Configuration
- 2.8. Environment Changes
- 2.9. Refresh Scope
- 2.10. Encryption and Decryption
- 2.11. Endpoints
- 3. Spring Cloud Commons: Common Abstractions
- 3.1. @EnableDiscoveryClient
- 3.2. ServiceRegistry
- 3.3. Spring RestTemplate as a Load Balancer Client
- 3.4. Spring WebClient as a Load Balancer Client
- 3.5. Multiple RestTemplate objects
- 3.6. Spring WebFlux WebClient as a Load Balancer Client
- 3.7. Ignore Network Interfaces
- 3.8. HTTP Client Factories
- 3.9. Enabled Features
- 2. Spring Cloud Context: Application Context Services
- II. Spring Cloud Config
- 4. Quick Start
- 5. Spring Cloud Config Server
- 5.1. Environment Repository
- 5.1.1. Git Backend
- Skipping SSL Certificate Validation
- Setting HTTP Connection Timeout
- Placeholders in Git URI
- Pattern Matching and Multiple Repositories
- Authentication
- Authentication with AWS CodeCommit
- Git SSH configuration using properties
- Placeholders in Git Search Paths
- Force pull in Git Repositories
- Deleting untracked branches in Git Repositories
- Git Refresh Rate
- 5.1.2. Version Control Backend Filesystem Use
- 5.1.3. File System Backend
- 5.1.4. Vault Backend
- 5.1.5. Accessing Backends Through a Proxy
- 5.1.6. Sharing Configuration With All Applications
- 5.1.7. JDBC Backend
- 5.1.8. Composite Environment Repositories
- 5.1.9. Property Overrides
- 5.1.1. Git Backend
- 5.2. Health Indicator
- 5.3. Security
- 5.4. Encryption and Decryption
- 5.5. Key Management
- 5.6. Creating a Key Store for Testing
- 5.7. Using Multiple Keys and Key Rotation
- 5.8. Serving Encrypted Properties
- 5.1. Environment Repository
- 6. Serving Alternative Formats
- 7. Serving Plain Text
- 8. Embedding the Config Server
- 9. Push Notifications and Spring Cloud Bus
- 10. Spring Cloud Config Client
- III. Spring Cloud Netflix
- 11. Service Discovery: Eureka Clients
- 11.1. How to Include Eureka Client
- 11.2. Registering with Eureka
- 11.3. Authenticating with the Eureka Server
- 11.4. Status Page and Health Indicator
- 11.5. Registering a Secure Application
- 11.6. Eureka’s Health Checks
- 11.7. Eureka Metadata for Instances and Clients
- 11.8. Using the EurekaClient
- 11.9. Alternatives to the Native Netflix EurekaClient
- 11.10. Why Is It so Slow to Register a Service?
- 11.11. Zones
- 12. Service Discovery: Eureka Server
- 13. Circuit Breaker: Hystrix Clients
- 14. Circuit Breaker: Hystrix Dashboard
- 15. Hystrix Timeouts And Ribbon Clients
- 16. Client Side Load Balancer: Ribbon
- 16.1. How to Include Ribbon
- 16.2. Customizing the Ribbon Client
- 16.3. Customizing the Default for All Ribbon Clients
- 16.4. Customizing the Ribbon Client by Setting Properties
- 16.5. Using Ribbon with Eureka
- 16.6. Example: How to Use Ribbon Without Eureka
- 16.7. Example: Disable Eureka Use in Ribbon
- 16.8. Using the Ribbon API Directly
- 16.9. Caching of Ribbon Configuration
- 16.10. How to Configure Hystrix Thread Pools
- 16.11. How to Provide a Key to Ribbon’s IRule
- 17. External Configuration: Archaius
- 18. Router and Filter: Zuul
- 18.1. How to Include Zuul
- 18.2. Embedded Zuul Reverse Proxy
- 18.3. Zuul Http Client
- 18.4. Cookies and Sensitive Headers
- 18.5. Ignored Headers
- 18.6. Management Endpoints
- 18.7. Strangulation Patterns and Local Forwards
- 18.8. Uploading Files through Zuul
- 18.9. Query String Encoding
- 18.10. Plain Embedded Zuul
- 18.11. Disable Zuul Filters
- 18.12. Providing Hystrix Fallbacks For Routes
- 18.13. Zuul Timeouts
- 18.14. Rewriting the Location header
- 18.15. Metrics
- 18.16. Zuul Developer Guide
- 19. Polyglot support with Sidecar
- 20. Retrying Failed Requests
- 21. HTTP Clients
- 11. Service Discovery: Eureka Clients
- IV. Spring Cloud OpenFeign
- V. Spring Cloud Stream
- 23. Quick Start
- 24. What’s New in 2.0?
- 25. Introducing Spring Cloud Stream
- 26. Main Concepts
- 27. Programming Model
- 28. Binders
- 29. Configuration Options
- 30. Content Type Negotiation
- 31. Schema Evolution Support
- 31.1. Schema Registry Client
- 31.2. Avro Schema Registry Client Message Converters
- 31.3. Apache Avro Message Converters
- 31.4. Converters with Schema Support
- 31.5. Schema Registry Server
- 31.6. Schema Registration and Resolution
- 32. Inter-Application Communication
- 33. Testing
- 34. Health Indicator
- 35. Metrics Emitter
- 36. Samples
- VI. Binder Implementations
- 37. Apache Kafka Binder
- 38. Apache Kafka Streams Binder
- 39. RabbitMQ Binder
- VII. Spring Cloud Bus
- VIII. Spring Cloud Sleuth
- 48. Introduction
- 49. Additional Resources
- 50. Features
- 51. Sampling
- 52. Propagation
- 53. Current Tracing Component
- 54. Current Span
- 55. Instrumentation
- 56. Span lifecycle
- 57. Naming spans
- 58. Managing Spans with Annotations
- 59. Customizations
- 60. Sending Spans to Zipkin
- 61. Zipkin Stream Span Consumer
- 62. Integrations
- 63. Running examples
- IX. Spring Cloud Consul
- X. Spring Cloud Zookeeper
- 72. Install Zookeeper
- 73. Service Discovery with Zookeeper
- 74. Using Spring Cloud Zookeeper with Spring Cloud Netflix Components
- 75. Spring Cloud Zookeeper and Service Registry
- 76. Zookeeper Dependencies
- 77. Spring Cloud Zookeeper Dependency Watcher
- 78. Distributed Configuration with Zookeeper
- XI. Spring Boot Cloud CLI
- XII. Spring Cloud Security
- XIII. Spring Cloud for Cloud Foundry
- XIV. Spring Cloud Contract
- 88. Spring Cloud Contract
- 89. Spring Cloud Contract Verifier Introduction
- 90. Spring Cloud Contract FAQ
- 90.1. Why use Spring Cloud Contract Verifier and not X ?
- 90.2. I don’t want to write a contract in Groovy!
- 90.3. What is this value(consumer(), producer()) ?
- 90.4. How to do Stubs versioning?
- 90.5. Common repo with contracts
- 90.6. Do I need a Binary Storage? Can’t I use Git?
- 90.7. Can I use the Pact Broker?
- 90.8. How can I debug the request/response being sent by the generated tests client?
- 91. Spring Cloud Contract Verifier Setup
- 91.1. Gradle Project
- 91.1.1. Prerequisites
- 91.1.2. Add Gradle Plugin with Dependencies
- 91.1.3. Gradle and Rest Assured 2.0
- 91.1.4. Snapshot Versions for Gradle
- 91.1.5. Add stubs
- 91.1.6. Run the Plugin
- 91.1.7. Default Setup
- 91.1.8. Configure Plugin
- 91.1.9. Configuration Options
- 91.1.10. Single Base Class for All Tests
- 91.1.11. Different Base Classes for Contracts
- 91.1.12. Invoking Generated Tests
- 91.1.13. Pushing stubs to SCM
- 91.1.14. Spring Cloud Contract Verifier on the Consumer Side
- 91.2. Maven Project
- 91.2.1. Add maven plugin
- 91.2.2. Maven and Rest Assured 2.0
- 91.2.3. Snapshot versions for Maven
- 91.2.4. Add stubs
- 91.2.5. Run plugin
- 91.2.6. Configure plugin
- 91.2.7. Configuration Options
- 91.2.8. Single Base Class for All Tests
- 91.2.9. Different base classes for contracts
- 91.2.10. Invoking generated tests
- 91.2.11. Pushing stubs to SCM
- 91.2.12. Maven Plugin and STS
- 91.3. Stubs and Transitive Dependencies
- 91.4. CI Server setup
- 91.5. Scenarios
- 91.6. Docker Project
- 91.1. Gradle Project
- 92. Spring Cloud Contract Verifier Messaging
- 93. Spring Cloud Contract Stub Runner
- 94. Stub Runner for Messaging
- 95. Contract DSL
- 95.1. Limitations
- 95.2. Common Top-Level elements
- 95.3. Request
- 95.4. Response
- 95.5. Dynamic properties
- 95.5.1. Dynamic properties inside the body
- 95.5.2. Regular expressions
- 95.5.3. Passing Optional Parameters
- 95.5.4. Executing Custom Methods on the Server Side
- 95.5.5. Referencing the Request from the Response
- 95.5.6. Registering Your Own WireMock Extension
- 95.5.7. Dynamic Properties in the Matchers Sections
- 95.6. JAX-RS Support
- 95.7. Async Support
- 95.8. Working with Context Paths
- 95.9. Working with Web Flux
- 95.10. Messaging Top-Level Elements
- 95.11. Multiple Contracts in One File
- 95.12. Generating Spring REST Docs snippets from the contracts
- 96. Customization
- 97. Using the Pluggable Architecture
- 98. Spring Cloud Contract WireMock
- 98.1. Registering Stubs Automatically
- 98.2. Using Files to Specify the Stub Bodies
- 98.3. Alternative: Using JUnit Rules
- 98.4. Relaxed SSL Validation for Rest Template
- 98.5. WireMock and Spring MVC Mocks
- 98.6. Customization of WireMock configuration
- 98.7. Generating Stubs using REST Docs
- 98.8. Generating Contracts by Using REST Docs
- 99. Migrations
- 100. Links
- XV. Spring Cloud Vault
- 101. Quick Start
- 102. Client Side Usage
- 103. Authentication methods
- 104. Secret Backends
- 105. Database backends
- 106. Configure PropertySourceLocator behavior
- 107. Service Registry Configuration
- 108. Vault Client Fail Fast
- 109. Vault Client SSL configuration
- 110. Lease lifecycle management (renewal and revocation)
- XVI. Spring Cloud Gateway
- 111. How to Include Spring Cloud Gateway
- 112. Glossary
- 113. How It Works
- 114. Route Predicate Factories
- 114.1. After Route Predicate Factory
- 114.2. Before Route Predicate Factory
- 114.3. Between Route Predicate Factory
- 114.4. Cookie Route Predicate Factory
- 114.5. Header Route Predicate Factory
- 114.6. Host Route Predicate Factory
- 114.7. Method Route Predicate Factory
- 114.8. Path Route Predicate Factory
- 114.9. Query Route Predicate Factory
- 114.10. RemoteAddr Route Predicate Factory
- 115. GatewayFilter Factories
- 115.1. AddRequestHeader GatewayFilter Factory
- 115.2. AddRequestParameter GatewayFilter Factory
- 115.3. AddResponseHeader GatewayFilter Factory
- 115.4. Hystrix GatewayFilter Factory
- 115.5. PrefixPath GatewayFilter Factory
- 115.6. PreserveHostHeader GatewayFilter Factory
- 115.7. RequestRateLimiter GatewayFilter Factory
- 115.8. RedirectTo GatewayFilter Factory
- 115.9. RemoveNonProxyHeaders GatewayFilter Factory
- 115.10. RemoveRequestHeader GatewayFilter Factory
- 115.11. RemoveResponseHeader GatewayFilter Factory
- 115.12. RewritePath GatewayFilter Factory
- 115.13. SaveSession GatewayFilter Factory
- 115.14. SecureHeaders GatewayFilter Factory
- 115.15. SetPath GatewayFilter Factory
- 115.16. SetResponseHeader GatewayFilter Factory
- 115.17. SetStatus GatewayFilter Factory
- 115.18. StripPrefix GatewayFilter Factory
- 115.19. Retry GatewayFilter Factory
- 116. Global Filters
- 116.1. Combined Global Filter and GatewayFilter Ordering
- 116.2. Forward Routing Filter
- 116.3. LoadBalancerClient Filter
- 116.4. Netty Routing Filter
- 116.5. Netty Write Response Filter
- 116.6. RouteToRequestUrl Filter
- 116.7. Websocket Routing Filter
- 116.8. Gateway Metrics Filter
- 116.9. Making An Exchange As Routed
- 117. TLS / SSL
- 118. Configuration
- 119. CORS Configuration
- 120. Actuator API
- 121. Developer Guide
- 122. Building a Simple Gateway Using Spring MVC or Webflux
- XVII. Spring Cloud Function
- 123. Introduction
- 124. Getting Started
- 125. Building and Running a Function
- 126. Function Catalog and Flexible Function Signatures
- 127. Standalone Web Applications
- 128. Standalone Streaming Applications
- 129. Deploying a Packaged Function
- 130. Dynamic Compilation
- 131. Serverless Platform Adapters
- XVIII. Appendix: Compendium of Configuration Properties